1 #ifndef ROSE_BinaryAnalysis_FeasiblePath_H
2 #define ROSE_BinaryAnalysis_FeasiblePath_H
3 #include <featureTests.h>
6 #include <BaseSemantics2.h>
7 #include <BinarySmtSolver.h>
8 #include <BinarySymbolicExprParser.h>
9 #include <Partitioner2/CfgPath.h>
10 #include <RoseException.h>
11 #include <Sawyer/CommandLine.h>
12 #include <Sawyer/Message.h>
13 #include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
14 #include <boost/logic/tribool.hpp>
16 namespace Rose {
17 namespace BinaryAnalysis {
22 class FeasiblePath {
24  // Types and public data members
26 public:
28  class Exception: public Rose::Exception {
29  public:
30  Exception(const std::string &what)
31  : Rose::Exception(what) {}
32  ~Exception() throw () {}
33  };
36  enum SearchMode {
40  };
46  };
53  };
56  enum IoMode { READ, WRITE };
59  enum MayOrMust { MAY, MUST };
62  typedef std::set<rose_addr_t> AddressSet;
70  struct Expression {
72  std::string parsable;
75  Expression() {}
76  /*implicit*/ Expression(const std::string &parsable): parsable(parsable) {}
77  /*implicit*/ Expression(const SymbolicExpr::Ptr &expr): expr(expr) {}
79  void print(std::ostream&) const;
80  };
83  struct Settings {
84  // Path feasibility
87  size_t maxVertexVisit;
88  size_t maxPathLength;
89  size_t maxCallDepth;
91  std::vector<Expression> assertions;
92  std::vector<std::string> assertionLocations;
93  std::vector<rose_addr_t> summarizeFunctions;
95  std::string solverName;
102  std::vector<rose_addr_t> ipRewrite;
104  size_t maxExprSize;
107  // Null dereferences
108  struct NullDeref {
109  bool check;
111  bool constOnly;
112  rose_addr_t minValid;
114  NullDeref()
115  : check(false), mode(MUST), constOnly(false), minValid(1024) {}
116  } nullDeref;
118  std::string exprParserDoc;
122  : searchMode(SEARCH_SINGLE_DFS), maxVertexVisit((size_t)-1), maxPathLength(200), maxCallDepth((size_t)-1),
123  maxRecursionDepth((size_t)-1), nonAddressIsFeasible(true), solverName("best"),
124  memoryParadigm(LIST_BASED_MEMORY), processFinalVertex(false), ignoreSemanticFailure(false),
125  kCycleCoefficient(0.0), edgeVisitOrder(VISIT_NATURAL), trackingCodeCoverage(true), maxExprSize(UNLIMITED),
126  traceSemantics(false) {}
127  };
130  struct Statistics {
131  size_t nPathsExplored;
138  Statistics()
139  : nPathsExplored(0), maxVertexVisitHits(0), maxPathLengthHits(0), maxCallDepthHits(0), maxRecursionDepthHits(0) {}
141  Statistics& operator+=(const Statistics&);
142  };
157  struct VarDetail {
158  std::string registerName;
159  std::string firstAccessMode;
163  size_t memSize;
164  size_t memByteNumber;
167  VarDetail(): firstAccessInsn(NULL), memSize(0), memByteNumber(0) {}
168  std::string toString() const;
169  };
178  public:
179  enum Action {
182  };
184  virtual ~PathProcessor() {}
202  virtual Action found(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path,
204  const SmtSolverPtr &solver) {
205  return CONTINUE;
206  }
241  virtual Action nullDeref(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, SgAsmInstruction *insn,
244  return CONTINUE;
245  }
286  virtual Action memoryIo(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, SgAsmInstruction *insn,
290  return CONTINUE;
291  }
292  };
298  rose_addr_t address;
299  int64_t stackDelta;
300  std::string name;
303  FunctionSummary(): stackDelta(SgAsmInstruction::INVALID_STACK_DELTA) {}
306  FunctionSummary(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgFuncVertex, uint64_t stackDelta);
307  };
316  public:
319  protected:
320  FunctionSummarizer() {}
321  public:
323  virtual void init(const FeasiblePath &analysis, FunctionSummary &summary /*in,out*/,
324  const Partitioner2::Function::Ptr &function,
325  Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator cfgCallTarget) = 0;
331  virtual bool process(const FeasiblePath &analysis, const FunctionSummary &summary,
339  returnValue(const FeasiblePath &analysis, const FunctionSummary &summary,
341  };
344  // Private data members
346 private:
347  const Partitioner2::Partitioner *partitioner_; // binary analysis context
348  RegisterDictionary *registers_; // registers augmented with "path" pseudo-register
349  RegisterDescriptor REG_RETURN_; // FIXME[Robb P Matzke 2016-10-11]: see source
350  Settings settings_;
351  FunctionSummaries functionSummaries_;
352  Partitioner2::CfgVertexMap vmap_; // relates CFG vertices to path vertices
353  Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph paths_; // all possible paths, feasible or otherwise
354  Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet pathsBeginVertices_;// vertices of paths_ where searching starts
355  Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet pathsEndVertices_; // vertices of paths_ where searching stops
356  bool isDirectedSearch_; // use pathsEndVertices_?
357  Partitioner2::CfgConstEdgeSet cfgAvoidEdges_; // CFG edges to avoid
358  Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet cfgEndAvoidVertices_;// CFG end-of-path and other avoidance vertices
359  FunctionSummarizer::Ptr functionSummarizer_; // user-defined function for handling function summaries
360  InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr initialState_; // set by setInitialState.
361  static Sawyer::Attribute::Id POST_STATE; // stores semantic state after executing the insns for a vertex
362  static Sawyer::Attribute::Id POST_INSN_LENGTH; // path length in instructions at end of vertex
363  static Sawyer::Attribute::Id EFFECTIVE_K; // (double) effective maximimum path length
365  mutable SAWYER_THREAD_TRAITS::Mutex statsMutex_; // protects the following data member
366  Statistics stats_; // statistical results of the analysis
369  // Construction, destruction
371 public:
374  : registers_(NULL), isDirectedSearch_(true) {}
376  virtual ~FeasiblePath() {}
379  void reset() {
380  partitioner_ = NULL;
381  registers_ = NULL;
382  REG_PATH = REG_RETURN_ = RegisterDescriptor();
383  functionSummaries_.clear();
384  vmap_.clear();
385  paths_.clear();
386  pathsBeginVertices_.clear();
387  pathsEndVertices_.clear();
388  isDirectedSearch_ = true;
389  cfgAvoidEdges_.clear();
390  cfgEndAvoidVertices_.clear();
391  resetStatistics();
392  }
398  SAWYER_THREAD_TRAITS::LockGuard lock(statsMutex_);
399  stats_ = Statistics();
400  }
403  static void initDiagnostics();
407  // Settings affecting behavior
409 public:
413  const Settings& settings() const { return settings_; }
414  Settings& settings() { return settings_; }
415  void settings(const Settings &s) { settings_ = s; }
425  static std::string expressionDocumentation();
429  // Overridable processing functions
431 public:
438  buildVirtualCpu(const Partitioner2::Partitioner&, const Partitioner2::CfgPath*, PathProcessor*, const SmtSolver::Ptr&);
446  virtual void
448  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsBeginVertex);
454  virtual void
456  const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, size_t pathInsnIndex);
461  virtual void
462  processIndeterminateBlock(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &vertex,
464  size_t pathInsnIndex);
469  virtual void
470  processFunctionSummary(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsVertex,
472  size_t pathInsnIndex);
477  virtual void
479  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsVertex,
480  size_t pathInsnIndex);
483  virtual bool
484  shouldSummarizeCall(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathVertex,
486  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallTarget);
489  virtual bool
490  shouldInline(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallTarget);
500  FunctionSummarizer::Ptr functionSummarizer() const { return functionSummarizer_; }
501  void functionSummarizer(const FunctionSummarizer::Ptr &f) { functionSummarizer_ = f; }
504  // Utilities
507 public:
509  Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator
510  pathToCfg(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathVertex) const;
526  bool isFunctionCall(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator&) const;
529  void printPathVertex(std::ostream &out, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::Vertex &pathVertex,
530  size_t &insnIdx /*in,out*/) const;
535  void printPath(std::ostream &out, const Partitioner2::CfgPath&) const;
542  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &beginVertex,
543  const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices);
546  // Functions for describing the search space
548 public:
558  void
560  const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgBeginVertices,
561  const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgEndVertices,
564  void
565  setSearchBoundary(const Partitioner2::Partitioner &partitioner,
566  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgBeginVertex,
567  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgEndVertex,
570  void
571  setSearchBoundary(const Partitioner2::Partitioner &partitioner,
572  const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgBeginVertices,
575  void
576  setSearchBoundary(const Partitioner2::Partitioner &partitioner,
577  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgBeginVertex,
587  bool isDirectedSearch() const {
588  return isDirectedSearch_;
589  }
592  // Functions for searching for paths
594 public:
599  void depthFirstSearch(PathProcessor &pathProcessor);
603  // Functions for getting the results
605 public:
610  const Partitioner2::Partitioner& partitioner() const;
615  const FunctionSummaries& functionSummaries() const {
616  return functionSummaries_;
617  }
623  const FunctionSummary& functionSummary(rose_addr_t entryVa) const;
626  const VarDetail& varDetail(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr&, const std::string &varName) const;
629  const VarDetails& varDetails(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr&) const;
642  double pathEffectiveK(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&) const;
650  static size_t pathLength(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, int position = -1);
658  SAWYER_THREAD_TRAITS::LockGuard lock(statsMutex_);
659  return stats_;
660  }
663  // Private supporting functions
665 private:
666  // Check that analysis settings are valid, or throw an exception.
667  void checkSettings() const;
669  static rose_addr_t virtualAddress(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &vertex);
671  void insertCallSummary(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsCallSite,
673  const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &cfgCallEdge);
675  boost::filesystem::path emitPathGraph(size_t callId, size_t graphId); // emit paths graph to "rose-debug" directory
677  // Pop an edge (or more) from the path and follow some other edge. Also, adjust the SMT solver's stack in a similar
678  // way. The SMT solver will have an initial state, plus one pushed state per edge of the path.
679  void backtrack(Partitioner2::CfgPath &path /*in,out*/, const SmtSolver::Ptr&);
681  // Process one edge of a path to find any path constraints. When called, the cpu's current state should be the virtual
682  // machine state at it exists just prior to executing the target vertex of the specified edge.
683  //
684  // Returns a null pointer if the edge's assertion is trivially unsatisfiable, such as when the edge points to a basic block
685  // whose address doesn't match the contents of the instruction pointer register after executing the edge's source
686  // block. Otherwise, returns a symbolic expression which must be tree if the edge is feasible. For trivially feasible
687  // edges, the return value is the constant 1 (one bit wide; i.e., true).
688  SymbolicExpr::Ptr pathEdgeConstraint(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &pathEdge,
691  // Parse the expression if it's a parsable string, otherwise return the expression as is. */
692  Expression parseExpression(Expression, const std::string &where, SymbolicExprParser&) const;
694  SymbolicExpr::Ptr expandExpression(const Expression&, const SymbolicExprParser&);
696  // Based on the last vertex of the path, insert user-specified assertions into the SMT solver.
697  void insertAssertions(const SmtSolver::Ptr&, const Partitioner2::CfgPath&,
698  const std::vector<Expression> &assertions, bool atEndOfPath, const SymbolicExprParser&);
700  // Size of vertex. How much of "k" does this vertex consume?
701  static size_t vertexSize(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator&);
703  // Information needed for adding user-supplied assertions to the solver.
704  struct Substitutions {
705  SymbolicExprParser exprParser;
706  std::vector<Expression> assertions;
709  };
711  // Insert the edge assertion and any applicable user assertions (after delayed expansion of the expressions' register
712  // and memory references), and run the solver, returning its result.
714  solvePathConstraints(const SmtSolver::Ptr&, const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, const SymbolicExpr::Ptr &edgeAssertion,
715  const Substitutions&, bool atEndOfPath);
717  // Mark vertex as being reached
718  void markAsReached(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator&);
720  // Top-level info for debugging
721  void dfsDebugHeader(Sawyer::Message::Stream &trace, Sawyer::Message::Stream &debug, size_t callId, size_t graphId);
723  // Top-level info for debugging a path.
724  void dfsDebugCurrentPath(Sawyer::Message::Stream&, const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, const SmtSolverPtr&, size_t effectiveK);
726  // Prepare substitutions for registers and memory based on user-supplied symbolic expressions.
727  Substitutions parseSubstitutions();
729  // Substitute registers and memory values into user-supplied symbolic expressions.
730  void makeSubstitutions(const Substitutions&, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr&);
732  // Create an SMT solver. It will have an initial state plus, eventually, a transaction for each path edge.
733  SmtSolverPtr createSmtSolver();
735  // The parts of the instruction semantics framework
736  struct Semantics {
740  };
742  // Create the parts of the instruction semantics framework.
743  Semantics createSemantics(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, PathProcessor&, const SmtSolverPtr&);
745  // Convert a position to an index. Negative positions measure from the end of the sequence so that -1 refers to the last
746  // element, -2 to the second-to-last element, etc. Non-negative positions are the same thing as an index. Returns nothing
747  // if the position is out of range.
748  static Sawyer::Optional<size_t> positionToIndex(int position, size_t nElmts);
750  // Obtain the incoming state for the specified path vertex. This is a pointer to the state, so copy it if you make changes.
751  // The incoming state for the first vertex is the specified initial state.
753  incomingState(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, int position, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr &initialState);
755  // Number of steps (e.g., instructions) up to but not including the specified path vertex.
756  size_t incomingStepCount(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, int position);
758  // Number of steps (e.g., instructions) up to and including the specified path vertex.
759  size_t outgoingStepCount(const Partitioner2::CfgPath&, int position);
761  // Evaluate semantics up to and including the specified path vertex, returning the outgoing state for that vertex. If
762  // semantics fails, then returns a null state pointer.
763  InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr evaluate(Partitioner2::CfgPath&, int position, const Semantics&);
765  // Check whether the last vertex of the path is feasible. Returns true if provably feasible, false if provably infeasible,
766  // or indeterminate if not provable one way or the other.
767  boost::logic::tribool isFeasible(Partitioner2::CfgPath&, const Substitutions&, const Semantics&, const SmtSolverPtr&);
769  // Safely call the path processor's "found" action for the path's final vertex and return its value.
770  PathProcessor::Action callPathProcessorFound(PathProcessor&, Partitioner2::CfgPath&, const Semantics&, const SmtSolverPtr&);
772  // Given an effective K value, adjust it based on how often the last vertex of the path has been visited. Returns a new
773  // effective K. As a special case, the new K is zero if the last vertex has been visited too often.
774  double adjustEffectiveK(Partitioner2::CfgPath&, double oldK);
776  // Given a path that ends with a function call, inline the function or a summary of the function, adjusting the paths_
777  // control flow graph.
778  void summarizeOrInline(Partitioner2::CfgPath&, const Semantics&);
779 };
781 } // namespace
782 } // namespace
784 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::FeasiblePath::Expression&);
786 // Convert string to feasible path expression during command-line parsing
787 namespace Sawyer {
788  namespace CommandLine {
789  template<>
790  struct LexicalCast<Rose::BinaryAnalysis::FeasiblePath::Expression> {
791  static Rose::BinaryAnalysis::FeasiblePath::Expression convert(const std::string &src) {
793  }
794  };
795  }
796 }
798 #endif
799 #endif
SmtSolverPtr Ptr
Reference counting pointer for SMT solvers.
std::string firstAccessMode
How was variable first accessed ("read" or "write").
bool traceSemantics
Trace all instruction semantics operations.
size_t maxPathLengthHits
Number of times settings.maxPathLength was hit (effective K).
std::vector< rose_addr_t > summarizeFunctions
Functions to always summarize.
Sawyer::Container::Map< rose_addr_t, FunctionSummary > FunctionSummaries
Summaries for multiple functions.
MayOrMust mode
Check for addrs that may or must be null.
boost::shared_ptr< RiscOperators > RiscOperatorsPtr
Shared-ownership pointer to a RISC operators object.
InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr initialState() const
Get the initial state before the first path vertex.
Sawyer::SharedPointer< Node > Ptr
Shared-ownership pointer to an expression Node.
EdgeVisitOrder edgeVisitOrder
Order in which to visit edges.
virtual InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics::SValuePtr returnValue(const FeasiblePath &analysis, const FunctionSummary &summary, const InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr &ops)=0
Return value for function.
size_t maxCallDepthHits
Number of times settings.maxCallDepth was hit.
size_t nPathsExplored
Number of paths explored.
rose_addr_t address
Address of summarized function.
SemanticMemoryParadigm memoryParadigm
Type of memory state when there's a choice to be made.
bool trackingCodeCoverage
If set, track which block addresses are reached.
static size_t pathLength(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &, int position=-1)
Total length of path up to and including the specified vertex.
const size_t UNLIMITED(-1)
Effictively unlimited size.
double pathEffectiveK(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &) const
Effective maximum path length.
void printPathVertex(std::ostream &out, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::Vertex &pathVertex, size_t &insnIdx) const
Print one vertex of a path for debugging.
std::string parsable
String to be parsed as an expression.
Information stored per V_USER_DEFINED path vertex.
Sawyer::Container::Map< std::string, FeasiblePath::VarDetail > VarDetails
Variable detail by name.
void setSearchBoundary(const Partitioner2::Partitioner &partitioner, const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgBeginVertices, const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgEndVertices, const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &cfgAvoidVertices=Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet(), const Partitioner2::CfgConstEdgeSet &cfgAvoidEdges=Partitioner2::CfgConstEdgeSet())
Specify search boundary.
void depthFirstSearch(PathProcessor &pathProcessor)
Find all feasible paths.
virtual void processIndeterminateBlock(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &vertex, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, size_t pathInsnIndex)
Process an indeterminate block.
Base class for machine instructions.
Sawyer::Optional< rose_addr_t > returnFrom
This variable is the return value from the specified function.
Collection of streams.
Definition: Message.h:1606
boost::shared_ptr< class RiscOperators > RiscOperatorsPtr
Shared-ownership pointer to symbolic RISC operations.
Constructs a new feasible path analyzer.
How to search for paths.
virtual bool process(const FeasiblePath &analysis, const FunctionSummary &summary, const InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr &ops)=0
Invoked when the analysis traverses the summary.
boost::shared_ptr< State > StatePtr
Shared-ownership pointer to a semantic state.
virtual void processFunctionSummary(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsVertex, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, size_t pathInsnIndex)
Process a function summary vertex.
RegisterDescriptor REG_PATH
Descriptor of path pseudo-registers.
size_t maxRecursionDepthHits
Number of times settings.maxRecursionDepth was hit.
std::string name
Name of summarized function.
Sawyer::Optional< size_t > firstAccessIdx
Instruction position in path where this var was first read.
A collection of related switch declarations.
Sawyer::Container::Map< rose_addr_t, size_t > reachedBlockVas
Number of times each basic block was reached.
Sawyer::Optional< boost::chrono::duration< double > > smtTimeout
Max seconds allowed per SMT solve call.
Main namespace for the ROSE library.
Parses symbolic expressions from text.
Satisfiability constants.
size_t maxCallDepth
Max length of path in terms of function calls.
size_t maxExprSize
Maximum symbolic expression size before replacement.
struct Rose::BinaryAnalysis::FeasiblePath::Settings::NullDeref nullDeref
Settings for null-dereference analysis.
Blast everything at once to the SMT solver.
Name space for the entire library.
std::vector< std::string > assertionLocations
Locations at which "constraints" are checked.
size_t maxVertexVisitHits
Number of times settings.maxVertexVisit was hit.
const FunctionSummaries & functionSummaries() const
Function summary information.
Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet cfgToPaths(const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &) const
Convert CFG vertices to path vertices.
virtual bool shouldInline(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallTarget)
Determines whether a function call should be inlined.
std::vector< rose_addr_t > ipRewrite
An even number of from,to pairs for rewriting the insn ptr reg.
boost::shared_ptr< Dispatcher > DispatcherPtr
Shared-ownership pointer to a semantics instruction dispatcher.
static std::string expressionDocumentation()
Documentation for the symbolic expression parser.
void settings(const Settings &s)
Property: Settings used by this analysis.
size_t maxPathLength
Limit path length in terms of number of instructions.
bool constOnly
If true, check only constants or sets of constants.
Base class for callbacks for function summaries.
AddressIntervalSet location
Location where constraint applies.
void clear()
Remove all entries from this container.
Visit edges in reverse of the natural order.
bool isDirectedSearch() const
Property: Whether search is directed or not.
static InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr pathPostState(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &, size_t vertexIdx)
Get the state at the end of the specified vertex.
Construct empty function summary.
bool nonAddressIsFeasible
Indeterminate/undiscovered vertices are feasible?
size_t maxVertexVisit
Max times to visit a particular vertex in one path.
Describes (part of) a physical CPU register.
size_t maxRecursionDepth
Max path length in terms of recursive function calls.
void reset()
Reset to initial state without changing settings.
A path through a control flow graph.
Definition: CfgPath.h:18
rose_addr_t minValid
Minnimum address that is not treated as a null dereference.
Information about a variable seen on a path.
virtual Action found(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, const SmtSolverPtr &solver)
Function invoked whenever a complete path is found.
FunctionSummarizer::Ptr functionSummarizer() const
Property: Function summary handling.
Exception for errors specific to feasible path analysis.
virtual bool shouldSummarizeCall(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathVertex, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallTarget)
Determines whether a function call should be summarized instead of inlined.
bool isFunctionCall(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &) const
True if vertex is a function call.
SymbolicExpr::Ptr expr
Symbolic expression.
bool ignoreSemanticFailure
Whether to ignore instructions with no semantic info.
SearchMode searchMode
Method to use when searching for feasible paths.
size_t Id
Attribute identification.
Definition: Attribute.h:140
void clear()
Remove all vertices and edges.
Definition: Graph.h:1978
bool pathEndsWithFunctionCall(const Partitioner2::CfgPath &) const
True if path ends with a function call.
void printPath(std::ostream &out, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &) const
Print the path to the specified output stream.
Statistics statistics() const
Cumulative statistics about prior analyses.
void resetStatistics()
Reset only statistics.
std::set< rose_addr_t > AddressSet
Set of basic block addresses.
virtual InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr buildVirtualCpu(const Partitioner2::Partitioner &, const Partitioner2::CfgPath *, PathProcessor *, const SmtSolver::Ptr &)
Create the virtual CPU.
const Settings & settings() const
Property: Settings used by this analysis.
size_t memByteNumber
Byte number for memory access.
virtual Action memoryIo(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, SgAsmInstruction *insn, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr &cpu, const SmtSolverPtr &solver, IoMode ioMode, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::SValuePtr &addr, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::SValuePtr &value)
Function invoked every time a memory reference occurs.
int64_t stackDelta
Stack delta for summarized function.
Base class for reference counted objects.
Definition: SharedObject.h:64
double kCycleCoefficient
Coefficient for adjusting maxPathLengh during CFG cycles.
static Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup commandLineSwitches(Settings &settings)
Describe command-line switches.
Sawyer::SharedPointer< FunctionSummarizer > Ptr
Reference counting pointer.
static Sawyer::Message::Facility mlog
Diagnostic output.
bool isAnyEndpointReachable(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &beginVertex, const Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices)
Determine whether any ending vertex is reachable.
const VarDetails & varDetails(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr &) const
Details about all variables by name.
void clear()
Remove all edges or vertices from this set.
Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator pathToCfg(const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathVertex) const
Convert path vertex to a CFG vertex.
virtual void processVertex(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsVertex, size_t pathInsnIndex)
Process one vertex.
Visit edges in their natural, forward order.
const FunctionSummary & functionSummary(rose_addr_t entryVa) const
Function summary information.
const Partitioner2::Partitioner & partitioner() const
Property: Partitioner currently in use.
Converts text to messages.
Definition: Message.h:1396
Defines registers available for a particular architecture.
Definition: Registers.h:38
const VarDetail & varDetail(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::StatePtr &, const std::string &varName) const
Details about a variable.
virtual void processBasicBlock(const Partitioner2::BasicBlock::Ptr &bblock, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, size_t pathInsnIndex)
Process instructions for one basic block on the specified virtual CPU.
virtual Action nullDeref(const FeasiblePath &analyzer, const Partitioner2::CfgPath &path, SgAsmInstruction *insn, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr &cpu, const SmtSolverPtr &solver, IoMode ioMode, const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::SValuePtr &addr)
Function invoked whenever a null pointer dereference is detected.
SymbolicExpr::Ptr memAddress
Address where variable is located.
Partitions instructions into basic blocks and functions.
Definition: Partitioner.h:323
Base class for all ROSE exceptions.
Definition: RoseException.h:9
std::string solverName
Type of SMT solver.
Edge visitation order.
void functionSummarizer(const FunctionSummarizer::Ptr &f)
Property: Function summary handling.
Settings & settings()
Property: Settings used by this analysis.
size_t memSize
Size of total memory access in bytes.
std::string exprParserDoc
String documenting how expressions are parsed, empty for default.
bool processFinalVertex
Whether to process the last vertex of the path.
SgAsmInstruction * firstAccessInsn
Instruction address where this var was first read.
Settings that control this analysis.
static void initDiagnostics()
Initialize diagnostic output.
std::shared_ptr< class SmtSolver > SmtSolverPtr
Reference-counting pointer for SMT solvers.
bool check
If true, look for null dereferences along the paths.
virtual void setInitialState(const InstructionSemantics2::BaseSemantics::DispatcherPtr &cpu, const Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsBeginVertex)
Initialize state for first vertex of path.
Sawyer::Optional< rose_addr_t > initialStackPtr
Concrete value to use for stack pointer register initial value.
Organization of semantic memory.
std::vector< Expression > assertions
Constraints to be satisfied at some point along the path.
virtual void init(const FeasiblePath &analysis, FunctionSummary &summary, const Partitioner2::Function::Ptr &function, Partitioner2::ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator cfgCallTarget)=0
Invoked when a new summary is created.