4 #include <string>
20 #include "sageInterface.h"
22 #include <Rose/Diagnostics.h>
24 // forward declarations required for templated functions using those functions
25 namespace SageInterface {
26  ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionForTransformation (SgNode * root);
27  ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition(SgNode* node);
28 }
31 namespace SageBuilder
32 {
34 // DQ (3/24/2016): Adding Robb's meageage mechanism (data member and function).
35  extern Sawyer::Message::Facility mlog;
36  void initDiagnostics();
39 #if 0
40 //---------------------AST creation/building/construction-----------------
41  SgExpression* buildConst(SgType* t, const string & val);
42  SgExpression* buildConstInt(int val);
44  // build sth in languages, but not in SAGE AST
45  // how to specify position info? then
48  // or
49  SgClassDeclaration* buildStruct(...);
50  SgClassDeclaration* buildClass(...);
51  SgClassDeclaration* buildUnion(...);
53  // build B from dependent A
54  SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* buildForwardFunctionDeclaration
55  (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl * memberFunctionInstantiation);
57  //previous attempt: src/midend/astUtil/astInterface
58  // AstNodePtr AstInterface::CreateConst( const string& val, const string& valtype) const
59  // AstNodePtr AstInterfaceBase::CreateConstInt( int val)
60 #endif
62 //----------------------------------------------------------
79 extern std::list<SgScopeStatement*> ScopeStack;
81 // DQ (11/30/2010): Added support for building Fortran case insensitive symbol table handling.
86 ROSE_DLL_API void pushScopeStack (SgScopeStatement* stmt);
88 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not called (the function above is the more useful one that is used).
89 // ROSE_DLL_API void pushScopeStack (SgNode* node);
91 ROSE_DLL_API void popScopeStack();
92 ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement* topScopeStack();
93 ROSE_DLL_API bool emptyScopeStack();
94 ROSE_DLL_API void clearScopeStack();
96 // DQ (3/11/2012): Added new function to the API for the internal scope stack.
100 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not used.
101 // bool isInScopeStack(SgScopeStatement * scope);
103 bool inSwitchScope();
105 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not used.
106 // TV: for debug purpose
107 // std::string stringFromScopeStack();
112 #if 0
113 // DQ (3/20/2017): These functions are not used (suggest using the API in the symbol table initialization).
114 //----------------------------------------------------------
122 ROSE_DLL_API void setCaseInsensitive();
125 ROSE_DLL_API void setCaseSensitive();
127 ROSE_DLL_API void setCaseFromScope(SgScopeStatement* scope);
130 #endif
133 // *************************************************************************************************************
134 // DQ (5/1/2012): This is another possible interface: supporting how we set the source code position and mark is
135 // as either a transformation or as actual code to be assigned a source position as part of the AST construction.
136 // *************************************************************************************************************
139  {
140  e_sourcePositionError,
147  };
156 ROSE_DLL_API std::string display(SourcePositionClassification & scp);
162 ROSE_DLL_API SgName appendTemplateArgumentsToName( const SgName & name, const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & templateArgumentsList);
167 // *************************************************************************************************************
171 //--------------------------------------------------------------
179 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeBool * buildBoolType();
181 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeNullptr* buildNullptrType();
182 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar * buildCharType();
183 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeDouble* buildDoubleType();
184 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat* buildFloatType();
185 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeInt * buildIntType();
186 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLong* buildLongType();
187 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLongDouble* buildLongDoubleType();
188 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLongLong * buildLongLongType();
189 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeShort* buildShortType();
190 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat80* buildFloat80Type();
191 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat128* buildFloat128Type();
193 // CR (2/20/2020): Added builder for Jovial fixed type
195 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFixed* buildFixedType(SgExpression* fraction, SgExpression* scale);
197 // CR (5/5/2020): Added builder for Jovial bit type
199 ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialBitType* buildJovialBitType(SgExpression* size);
202 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeString* buildStringType();
203 // SgTypeString* buildStringType( SgExpression* stringLengthExpression, size_t stringLengthLiteral );
204 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeString* buildStringType( SgExpression* stringLengthExpression );
206 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeVoid * buildVoidType();
207 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeWchar* buildWcharType();
209 // DQ (2/16/2018): Adding support for char16_t and char32_t (C99 and C++11 specific types).
210 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar16* buildChar16Type();
211 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar32* buildChar32Type();
213 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedChar* buildSignedCharType();
214 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedInt* buildSignedIntType();
215 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedLong* buildSignedLongType();
219 #if 1
222 #endif
229 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnknown * buildUnknownType();
231 ROSE_DLL_API SgAutoType * buildAutoType();
233 // CR (2/20/2020): Added builder functions for type size (kind) expressions for Fortran and Jovial
235 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeBool * buildBoolType(SgExpression* kind_expr);
236 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeInt * buildIntType(SgExpression* kind_expr);
237 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat * buildFloatType(SgExpression* kind_expr);
238 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedInt* buildUnsignedIntType(SgExpression* kind_expr);
243 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* buildFortranImplicitType(SgName name);
246 ROSE_DLL_API SgPointerType* buildPointerType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
249 ROSE_DLL_API SgReferenceType* buildReferenceType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
252 ROSE_DLL_API SgRvalueReferenceType* buildRvalueReferenceType(SgType *base_type);
255 ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclType* buildDeclType(SgExpression *base_expression, SgType* base_type);
258 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeOfType* buildTypeOfType(SgExpression *base_expression, SgType* base_type);
260 // Liao, entirely phase out this function ! Build a modifier type with no modifiers set
261 //SgModifierType* buildModifierType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
263 // DQ (7/29/2010): Changed return type from SgType to SgModifierType for a number of the functions below.
265 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildModifierType(SgType* base_type = NULL);
268 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildConstType(SgType* base_type = NULL);
271 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildAliasedType(SgType* base_type = NULL);
274 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildVolatileType(SgType* base_type = NULL);
277 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildConstVolatileType(SgType* base_type = NULL);
280 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildRestrictType(SgType* base_type);
283 ROSE_DLL_API SgArrayType* buildArrayType(SgType* base_type=NULL, SgExpression* index=NULL);
285 // RASMUSSEN (1/25/2018)
293 ROSE_DLL_API SgArrayType* buildArrayType(SgType* base_type, SgExprListExp* dim_info);
295 // DQ (8/27/2010): Added Fortran specific support for types based on kind expressions.
297 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildFortranKindType(SgType* base_type, SgExpression* kindExpression );
300 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionType* buildFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList * typeList=NULL);
303 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionType* buildFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList * argList=NULL);
305 // DQ (1/10/2020): removed the default argument since we need to make sure it is used.
307 // ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionType* buildMemberFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList * typeList, SgScopeStatement *struct_name, unsigned int mfunc_specifier, unsigned int ref_qualifiers = 0);
308 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionType* buildMemberFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList * typeList, SgScopeStatement *struct_name, unsigned int mfunc_specifier);
310 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not used (so let's see if we can remove it).
312 // ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionType* buildMemberFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* argList = NULL, SgClassDefinition *struct_name = NULL, unsigned int mfunc_specifier = 0);
315 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionType* buildMemberFunctionType(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList* typeList, SgType *classType, unsigned int mfunc_specifier);
318 ROSE_DLL_API SgPointerMemberType* buildPointerMemberType(SgType* base_type, SgType* classType);
320 // PP (07/14/2016):
336 buildClassTemplateType(SgTemplateClassDeclaration* template_decl, Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>& template_args);
341 buildTemplateClassType(SgTemplateClassDeclaration* template_decl, Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>& template_args);
350 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* buildOpaqueType(std::string const type_name, SgScopeStatement * scope);
352 // DQ (7/29/2010): Changed return type from SgType to SgModifierType for a number of the functions below.
354 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcStrictType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
357 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcRelaxedType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
360 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcSharedType(SgType *base_type = NULL, long layout = -1);
361 // SgModifierType* buildUpcSharedType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
364 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcBlockIndefiniteType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
367 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcBlockStarType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
370 ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType* buildUpcBlockNumberType(SgType *base_type, long block_factor);
373 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeComplex* buildComplexType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
376 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeImaginary* buildImaginaryType(SgType *base_type = NULL);
382 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeMatrix* buildMatrixType();
385 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeTuple* buildTupleType(SgType *t1 = NULL, SgType *t2 = NULL, SgType *t3 = NULL, SgType *t4 = NULL, SgType *t5 = NULL, SgType *t6 = NULL, SgType *t7 = NULL, SgType *t8 = NULL, SgType *t9 = NULL, SgType *t10 = NULL);
388 ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealType* buildNonrealType(const SgName & name, SgDeclarationScope* scope);
392 //--------------------------------------------------------------
406 // JJW (11/19/2008): _nfi versions of functions set file info objects to NULL (used in frontend)
411 ROSE_DLL_API SgNullExpression* buildNullExpression();
416 ROSE_DLL_API SgBoolValExp* buildBoolValExp(int value = 0);
417 ROSE_DLL_API SgBoolValExp* buildBoolValExp(bool value = 0);
418 ROSE_DLL_API SgBoolValExp* buildBoolValExp_nfi(int value);
420 ROSE_DLL_API SgCharVal* buildCharVal(char value = 0);
421 ROSE_DLL_API SgCharVal* buildCharVal_nfi(char value, const std::string& str);
424 ROSE_DLL_API SgNullptrValExp* buildNullptrValExp();
428 ROSE_DLL_API SgVoidVal* buildVoidVal();
429 ROSE_DLL_API SgVoidVal* buildVoidVal_nfi();
431 ROSE_DLL_API SgWcharVal* buildWcharVal(wchar_t value = 0);
432 ROSE_DLL_API SgWcharVal* buildWcharVal_nfi(wchar_t value, const std::string& str);
434 // DQ (2/16/2018): Adding support for char16_t and char32_t (C99 and C++11 specific types).
435 ROSE_DLL_API SgChar16Val* buildChar16Val(unsigned short value = 0);
436 ROSE_DLL_API SgChar16Val* buildChar16Val_nfi(unsigned short value, const std::string& str);
437 ROSE_DLL_API SgChar32Val* buildChar32Val(unsigned int value = 0);
438 ROSE_DLL_API SgChar32Val* buildChar32Val_nfi(unsigned int value, const std::string& str);
440 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function has never existed (inputs must be SgValueExp pointers).
441 // ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildComplexVal(long double real_value = 0.0, long double imaginary_value = 0.0 );
442 ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildComplexVal(SgValueExp* real_value, SgValueExp* imaginary_value);
443 ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildComplexVal_nfi(SgValueExp* real_value, SgValueExp* imaginary_value, const std::string& str);
444 ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildImaginaryVal(long double imaginary_value);
445 ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildImaginaryVal(SgValueExp* imaginary_value);
446 ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal* buildImaginaryVal_nfi(SgValueExp* imaginary_value, const std::string& str);
449 ROSE_DLL_API SgDoubleVal* buildDoubleVal(double value = 0.0);
450 ROSE_DLL_API SgDoubleVal* buildDoubleVal_nfi(double value, const std::string& str);
452 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal* buildFloatVal(float value = 0.0);
453 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal* buildFloatVal_nfi(float value = 0.0);
454 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal* buildFloatVal_nfi(float value, const std::string& str);
456 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal* buildFloatVal_nfi(const std::string& str);
459 ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal* buildIntVal(int value = 0);
460 ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal* buildIntValHex(int value = 0);
461 ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal* buildIntVal_nfi(int value = 0);
462 ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal* buildIntVal_nfi(int value, const std::string& str);
464 ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal* buildIntVal_nfi(const std::string& str);
467 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal* buildLongIntVal(long value = 0);
468 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal* buildLongIntValHex(long value = 0);
469 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal* buildLongIntVal_nfi(long value, const std::string& str);
472 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal* buildLongLongIntVal(long long value = 0);
473 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal* buildLongLongIntValHex(long long value = 0);
474 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal* buildLongLongIntVal_nfi(long long value, const std::string& str);
475 // !Build enum val without file info: nfi
476 ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumVal* buildEnumVal_nfi(long long int value, SgEnumDeclaration* decl, SgName name);
477 // !Build enum val with transformation file info
478 ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumVal* buildEnumVal(long long int value, SgEnumDeclaration* decl, SgName name);
479 ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumVal* buildEnumVal(SgEnumFieldSymbol * sym);
481 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongDoubleVal* buildLongDoubleVal(long double value = 0.0);
482 ROSE_DLL_API SgLongDoubleVal* buildLongDoubleVal_nfi(long double value, const std::string& str);
484 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat80Val* buildFloat80Val(long double value = 0.0);
485 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat80Val* buildFloat80Val_nfi(long double value, const std::string& str);
487 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat128Val* buildFloat128Val(long double value = 0.0);
488 ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat128Val* buildFloat128Val_nfi(long double value, const std::string& str);
490 ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal* buildShortVal(short value = 0);
491 ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal* buildShortValHex(short value = 0);
492 ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal* buildShortVal_nfi(short value, const std::string& str);
494 ROSE_DLL_API SgStringVal* buildStringVal(std::string value="");
495 ROSE_DLL_API SgStringVal* buildStringVal_nfi(std::string value);
498 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal* buildUnsignedCharVal(unsigned char v = 0);
499 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal* buildUnsignedCharValHex(unsigned char v = 0);
500 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal* buildUnsignedCharVal_nfi(unsigned char v, const std::string& str);
503 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal* buildUnsignedShortVal(unsigned short v = 0);
504 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal* buildUnsignedShortValHex(unsigned short v = 0);
505 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal* buildUnsignedShortVal_nfi(unsigned short v, const std::string& str);
508 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal* buildUnsignedIntVal(unsigned int v = 0);
509 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal* buildUnsignedIntValHex(unsigned int v = 0);
510 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal* buildUnsignedIntVal_nfi(unsigned int v, const std::string& str);
513 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal* buildUnsignedLongVal(unsigned long v = 0);
514 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal* buildUnsignedLongValHex(unsigned long v = 0);
515 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal* buildUnsignedLongVal_nfi(unsigned long v, const std::string& str);
518 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal* buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal(unsigned long long v = 0);
519 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal* buildUnsignedLongLongIntValHex(unsigned long long v = 0);
520 ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal* buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal_nfi(unsigned long long v, const std::string& str);
523 ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialBitVal* buildJovialBitVal_nfi(const std::string& str);
526 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterVal* buildTemplateParameterVal(int template_parameter_position = -1);
527 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterVal* buildTemplateParameterVal_nfi(int template_parameter_position, const std::string& str);
530 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateType* buildTemplateType(SgName name="");
537 ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealDecl * buildNonrealDecl(const SgName & name, SgDeclarationScope * scope, SgDeclarationScope * child_scope = NULL);
543 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcThreads* buildUpcThreads();
544 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcThreads* buildUpcThreads_nfi();
547 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcMythread* buildUpcMythread();
548 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcMythread* buildUpcMythread_nfi();
551 ROSE_DLL_API SgThisExp* buildThisExp(SgSymbol* sym);
552 ROSE_DLL_API SgThisExp* buildThisExp_nfi(SgSymbol* sym);
555 ROSE_DLL_API SgSuperExp* buildSuperExp(SgClassSymbol* sym);
556 ROSE_DLL_API SgSuperExp* buildSuperExp_nfi(SgClassSymbol* sym);
559 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassExp* buildClassExp(SgClassSymbol* sym);
560 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassExp* buildClassExp_nfi(SgClassSymbol* sym);
563 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaRefExp* buildLambdaRefExp(SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* params, SgScopeStatement* scope);
565 #define BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(suffix) \
566 ROSE_DLL_API Sg##suffix * build##suffix(SgExpression* op =NULL); \
567 ROSE_DLL_API Sg##suffix * build##suffix##_nfi(SgExpression* op);
570 BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(BitComplementOp)
573 BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(PointerDerefExp)
579 BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(ConjugateOp)
580 BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(VarArgStartOneOperandOp)
584 //Matlab transpose op
585 BUILD_UNARY_PROTO(MatrixTransposeOp)
588 ROSE_DLL_API SgCastExp * buildCastExp(SgExpression * operand_i = NULL,
589  SgType * expression_type = NULL,
590  SgCastExp::cast_type_enum cast_type = SgCastExp::e_C_style_cast);
591 ROSE_DLL_API SgCastExp * buildCastExp_nfi(SgExpression * operand_i,
592  SgType * expression_type,
593  SgCastExp::cast_type_enum cast_type);
596 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarArgOp * buildVarArgOp_nfi(SgExpression * operand_i, SgType * expression_type);
599 ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusOp *buildMinusOp(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
600 ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusOp *buildMinusOp_nfi(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
601 ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusMinusOp *buildMinusMinusOp(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
602 ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusMinusOp *buildMinusMinusOp_nfi(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
605 ROSE_DLL_API SgPlusPlusOp* buildPlusPlusOp(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
606 ROSE_DLL_API SgPlusPlusOp* buildPlusPlusOp_nfi(SgExpression* operand_i, SgUnaryOp::Sgop_mode a_mode);
609 ROSE_DLL_API SgThrowOp* buildThrowOp(SgExpression *, SgThrowOp::e_throw_kind);
611 ROSE_DLL_API SgNewExp * buildNewExp(SgType* type,
612  SgExprListExp* exprListExp,
613  SgConstructorInitializer* constInit,
614  SgExpression* expr,
615  short int val,
616  SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl);
618 ROSE_DLL_API SgDeleteExp* buildDeleteExp(SgExpression* variable,
619  short is_array,
620  short need_global_specifier,
621  SgFunctionDeclaration* deleteOperatorDeclaration);
624 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeIdOp* buildTypeIdOp(SgExpression *operand_expr, SgType *operand_type);
633 #define BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(suffix) \
634 ROSE_DLL_API Sg##suffix * build##suffix(SgExpression* lhs =NULL, SgExpression* rhs =NULL); \
635 ROSE_DLL_API Sg##suffix * build##suffix##_nfi(SgExpression* lhs, SgExpression* rhs);
649 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ConcatenationOp)
656 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ExponentiationOp)
657 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ExponentiationAssignOp)
658 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(GreaterOrEqualOp)
660 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(IntegerDivideOp)
661 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(IntegerDivideAssignOp)
668 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(LshiftAssignOp)
671 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(MembershipOp)
678 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(NonMembershipOp)
684 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(RshiftAssignOp)
685 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(JavaUnsignedRshiftAssignOp)
687 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ReplicationOp)
689 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(JavaUnsignedRshiftOp)
698 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwisePowerOp);
699 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwiseMultiplyOp);
700 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwiseDivideOp);
702 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwiseLeftDivideOp);
703 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwiseAddOp);
704 BUILD_BINARY_PROTO(ElementwiseSubtractOp);
706 // DQ (7/25/2020): Adding C++20 support
712 ROSE_DLL_API SgConditionalExp * buildConditionalExp(SgExpression* test =NULL, SgExpression* a =NULL, SgExpression* b =NULL);
713 SgConditionalExp * buildConditionalExp_nfi(SgExpression* test, SgExpression* a, SgExpression* b, SgType* t);
716 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExp * buildExprListExp(SgExpression * expr1 = NULL, SgExpression* expr2 = NULL, SgExpression* expr3 = NULL, SgExpression* expr4 = NULL, SgExpression* expr5 = NULL, SgExpression* expr6 = NULL, SgExpression* expr7 = NULL, SgExpression* expr8 = NULL, SgExpression* expr9 = NULL, SgExpression* expr10 = NULL);
717 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExp * buildExprListExp(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
719 SgExprListExp * buildExprListExp_nfi(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
722 SgSubscriptExpression * buildSubscriptExpression_nfi(SgExpression* lower_bound, SgExpression* upper_bound, SgExpression* stride);
725 ROSE_DLL_API SgTupleExp * buildTupleExp(SgExpression * expr1 = NULL, SgExpression* expr2 = NULL, SgExpression* expr3 = NULL, SgExpression* expr4 = NULL, SgExpression* expr5 = NULL, SgExpression* expr6 = NULL, SgExpression* expr7 = NULL, SgExpression* expr8 = NULL, SgExpression* expr9 = NULL, SgExpression* expr10 = NULL);
726 ROSE_DLL_API SgTupleExp * buildTupleExp(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
728 SgTupleExp * buildTupleExp_nfi(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
731 ROSE_DLL_API SgListExp * buildListExp(SgExpression * expr1 = NULL, SgExpression* expr2 = NULL, SgExpression* expr3 = NULL, SgExpression* expr4 = NULL, SgExpression* expr5 = NULL, SgExpression* expr6 = NULL, SgExpression* expr7 = NULL, SgExpression* expr8 = NULL, SgExpression* expr9 = NULL, SgExpression* expr10 = NULL);
732 ROSE_DLL_API SgListExp * buildListExp(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
734 SgListExp * buildListExp_nfi(const std::vector<SgExpression*>& exprs);
736 ROSE_DLL_API SgComprehension * buildComprehension(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *iter, SgExprListExp *ifs);
737 SgComprehension * buildComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *iter, SgExprListExp *ifs);
739 ROSE_DLL_API SgListComprehension * buildListComprehension(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators);
740 SgListComprehension * buildListComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators);
742 ROSE_DLL_API SgSetComprehension * buildSetComprehension(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators);
743 SgSetComprehension * buildSetComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators);
753 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
756 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(const std::string& varName, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
759 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(const char* varName, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
762 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(SgVariableSymbol* varSymbol);
763 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp_nfi(SgVariableSymbol* varSymbol);
766 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl);
770 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(SgInitializedName* initname, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
775 ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp* buildOpaqueVarRefExp(const std::string& varName,SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
777 // DQ (9/4/2013): Added support for building compound literals (similar to a SgVarRefExp).
783 ROSE_DLL_API SgLabelRefExp * buildLabelRefExp(SgLabelSymbol * s);
786 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const SgName& name, const SgType* func_type, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
788 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const char* name, const SgType* func_type, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
791 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const SgName& name,SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
793 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const char* name,SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
796 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const SgFunctionDeclaration* func_decl);
809 SgMemberFunctionRefExp * buildMemberFunctionRefExp_nfi(SgMemberFunctionSymbol* sym, bool virtual_call, bool need_qualifier);
810 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionRefExp * buildMemberFunctionRefExp(SgMemberFunctionSymbol* sym, bool virtual_call, bool need_qualifier);
815 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp* buildFunctionCallExp(SgFunctionSymbol* sym, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL);
816 SgFunctionCallExp* buildFunctionCallExp_nfi(SgExpression* f, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL);
817 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp* buildFunctionCallExp(SgExpression* f, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL);
820 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp*
821 buildFunctionCallExp(const SgName& name, SgType* return_type, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
840 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp*
841 buildMemberFunctionCall (std::string className, SgExpression *objectExpression, std::string functionName, SgExprListExp *params, SgScopeStatement *scope);
844 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp* buildMemberFunctionCall (SgExpression* objectExpression, SgMemberFunctionSymbol* functionSymbol,
845  SgExprListExp* params);
848 buildTypeTraitBuiltinOperator(SgName functionName, SgNodePtrList parameters);
852  SgExpression * kernel,
853  SgExprListExp* parameters = NULL,
854  SgCudaKernelExecConfig * config = NULL
855 );
859  SgExpression *grid = NULL,
860  SgExpression *blocks = NULL,
861  SgExpression *shared = NULL,
862  SgExpression *stream = NULL
863 );
866 ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer * buildAssignInitializer(SgExpression * operand_i = NULL, SgType * expression_type = NULL);
867 ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer * buildAssignInitializer_nfi(SgExpression * operand_i = NULL, SgType * expression_type = NULL);
870 ROSE_DLL_API SgAggregateInitializer * buildAggregateInitializer(SgExprListExp * initializers = NULL, SgType * type = NULL);
871 ROSE_DLL_API SgAggregateInitializer * buildAggregateInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp * initializers, SgType * type = NULL);
874 ROSE_DLL_API SgCompoundInitializer * buildCompoundInitializer(SgExprListExp * initializers = NULL, SgType * type = NULL);
875 ROSE_DLL_API SgCompoundInitializer * buildCompoundInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp * initializers, SgType * type = NULL);
877 // DQ (!/4/2009): Added support for building SgConstructorInitializer
878 ROSE_DLL_API SgConstructorInitializer * buildConstructorInitializer( SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *declaration,SgExprListExp *args,SgType *expression_type,bool need_name,bool need_qualifier,bool need_parenthesis_after_name,bool associated_class_unknown);
879 ROSE_DLL_API SgConstructorInitializer * buildConstructorInitializer_nfi( SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *declaration,SgExprListExp *args,SgType *expression_type,bool need_name,bool need_qualifier,bool need_parenthesis_after_name,bool associated_class_unknown);
882 ROSE_DLL_API SgBracedInitializer * buildBracedInitializer(SgExprListExp * initializers = NULL, SgType * expression_type = NULL);
883 ROSE_DLL_API SgBracedInitializer * buildBracedInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp * initializers = NULL, SgType * expression_type = NULL);
886 ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp* buildSizeOfOp(SgExpression* exp = NULL);
887 ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp* buildSizeOfOp_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
890 ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp* buildSizeOfOp(SgType* type = NULL);
891 ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp* buildSizeOfOp_nfi(SgType* type);
894 ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp* buildAlignOfOp(SgExpression* exp = NULL);
895 ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp* buildAlignOfOp_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
898 ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp* buildAlignOfOp(SgType* type = NULL);
899 ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp* buildAlignOfOp_nfi(SgType* type);
902 ROSE_DLL_API SgNoexceptOp* buildNoexceptOp(SgExpression* exp = NULL);
903 ROSE_DLL_API SgNoexceptOp* buildNoexceptOp_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
905 // DQ (7/18/2011): Added support for SgJavaInstanceOfOp
907 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaInstanceOfOp* buildJavaInstanceOfOp(SgExpression* exp = NULL, SgType* type = NULL);
910 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeExpression *buildTypeExpression(SgType* type);
912 // DQ (8/11/2014): Added support for C++11 decltype used in new function return syntax.
913 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterRefExp *buildFunctionParameterRefExp(int parameter_number, int parameter_level );
914 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterRefExp *buildFunctionParameterRefExp_nfi(int parameter_number, int parameter_level );
918 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaExp* buildLambdaExp (SgLambdaCaptureList* lambda_capture_list, SgClassDeclaration* lambda_closure_class, SgFunctionDeclaration* lambda_function);
919 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaExp* buildLambdaExp_nfi(SgLambdaCaptureList* lambda_capture_list, SgClassDeclaration* lambda_closure_class, SgFunctionDeclaration* lambda_function);
921 #if 0
922 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture* buildLambdaCapture (SgInitializedName* capture_variable, SgInitializedName* source_closure_variable, SgInitializedName* closure_variable);
923 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture* buildLambdaCapture_nfi(SgInitializedName* capture_variable, SgInitializedName* source_closure_variable, SgInitializedName* closure_variable);
924 #else
925 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture* buildLambdaCapture (SgExpression* capture_variable, SgExpression* source_closure_variable, SgExpression* closure_variable);
926 ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture* buildLambdaCapture_nfi(SgExpression* capture_variable, SgExpression* source_closure_variable, SgExpression* closure_variable);
927 #endif
932 // DQ (7/25/2020): Adding C++17 support
933  ROSE_DLL_API SgFoldExpression * buildFoldExpression(SgExpression* operands, std::string operator_token_string, bool is_left_associative);
934 ROSE_DLL_API SgFoldExpression * buildFoldExpression_nfi(SgExpression* operands, std::string operator_token_string, bool is_left_associative);
936 // DQ (7/25/2020): Adding C++20 support
937 ROSE_DLL_API SgAwaitExpression * buildAwaitExpression();
940 // DQ (7/25/2020): Adding C++20 support
950  ROSE_DLL_API SgRangeExp* buildRangeExp(SgExpression *start);
955  ROSE_DLL_API SgMatrixExp* buildMatrixExp(SgExprListExp *firstRow);
958  ROSE_DLL_API SgMagicColonExp* buildMagicColonExp();
961  ROSE_DLL_API SgMatlabForStatement* buildMatlabForStatement(SgExpression* loop_index, SgExpression* loop_range, SgBasicBlock* loop_body);
968 // ! Build a range expression using start:end:stride for Ada
969  ROSE_DLL_API SgRangeExp* buildRangeExp(SgExpression *start, SgExpression *end, SgExpression *stride);
972 //
973 //--------------------------------------------------------------
983 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* buildInitializedName(const SgName & name, SgType* type, SgInitializer* init = NULL);
984 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* buildInitializedName(const std::string &name, SgType* type);
985 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* buildInitializedName(const char* name, SgType* type);
986 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* buildInitializedName_nfi(const SgName & name, SgType* type, SgInitializer* init);
989 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterTypeList *
993 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterTypeList *
997 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterTypeList *
998 buildFunctionParameterTypeList(SgType* type0 = NULL, SgType* type1 = NULL,
999  SgType* type2 = NULL, SgType* type3 = NULL,
1000  SgType* type4 = NULL, SgType* type5 = NULL,
1001  SgType* type6 = NULL, SgType* type7 = NULL);
1004 //--------------------------------------------------------------
1012 ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration*
1014 buildVariableDeclaration(const SgName & name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit=NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1016 ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration*
1017 buildVariableDeclaration(const std::string & name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit=NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1019 ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration*
1020 buildVariableDeclaration(const char* name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit=NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1022 // DQ (6/25/2019): Added support to force building the varialbe declaration from the variable use (e.g. within a class)
1023 // instead of from a declaration. Variable declaration built from a use are reused when the declaration is seen (later
1024 // in processing of the class members).
1025 // ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration*
1026 // buildVariableDeclaration_nfi(const SgName & name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit, SgScopeStatement* scope);
1027 ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration*
1031 ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDefinition*
1035 // DQ (8/31/2012): Note that this macro can't be used in header files since it can only be set
1036 // after sage3.h has been read. The reason is that this is a portability problem when "rose_config.h"
1037 // appears in header files of applications using ROSE's header files.
1038 // DQ (12/6/2011): Adding support for template declarations into the AST.
1039 // SgTemplateDeclaration*
1046 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefDeclaration*
1047 buildTypedefDeclaration(const std::string& name, SgType* base_type, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL, bool has_defining_base=false);
1049 ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefDeclaration*
1050 buildTypedefDeclaration_nfi(const std::string& name, SgType* base_type, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL, bool has_defining_base=false);
1052 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration*
1053 buildTemplateTypedefDeclaration_nfi(const SgName & name, SgType* base_type, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL, bool has_defining_base=false);
1057  SgName & name, SgType* base_type, SgScopeStatement* scope, bool has_defining_base,
1058  SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration * templateTypedefDeclaration,
1059  SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & templateArgumentsList
1060 );
1063 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterList * buildFunctionParameterList(SgInitializedName* in1 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in2 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in3 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in4 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in5 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in6 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in7 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in8 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in9 = NULL, SgInitializedName* in10 = NULL);
1067 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterList*
1070 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterList*
1075 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateNameInTemplateInstantiations( SgFunctionDeclaration* func, const SgName & name );
1077 // DQ (9/13/2012): Need to set the parents of SgTemplateArgument IR nodes now that they are passed in as part of the SageBuilder API.
1078 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateArgumentParents( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1079 ROSE_DLL_API void testTemplateArgumentParents( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1080 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* getTemplateArgumentList( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1083 ROSE_DLL_API void testTemplateParameterParents( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1084 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateParameterParents( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1085 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterPtrList* getTemplateParameterList( SgDeclarationStatement* decl );
1088 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateArgumentsInDeclaration ( SgDeclarationStatement* decl, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList_input );
1089 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateSpecializationArgumentsInDeclaration ( SgDeclarationStatement* decl, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateSpecializationArgumentsList_input );
1090 ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateParametersInDeclaration ( SgDeclarationStatement* decl, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParametersList_input );
1094 // DQ (7/26/2012): Changing the API to include template arguments so that we can generate names with and without template arguments (to support name mangiling).
1096  const SgName & name,
1097  SgType * return_type,
1098  SgFunctionParameterList *parlist,
1099  SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL,
1100  SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL,
1101  bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false,
1102  SgTemplateArgumentPtrList * templateArgumentsList = NULL,
1104 );
1108  const SgFunctionDeclaration * funcdecl,
1109  SgScopeStatement * scope = NULL,
1110  SgExprListExp * decoratorList = NULL
1111 );
1113 // DQ (8/11/2013): Even though template functions can't use partial specialization, they can be specialized,
1114 // however the specialization does not define a template and instead defines a template instantiation, so we
1115 // don't need the SgTemplateArgumentPtrList in this function.
1116 // SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration* buildNondefiningTemplateFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL);
1117 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration*
1118 buildNondefiningTemplateFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL);
1120 // DQ (8/11/2013): Note that access to the SgTemplateParameterPtrList should be handled through the first_nondefining_declaration (which is a required parameter).
1121 // DQ (12/1/2011): Adding support for template declarations into the AST.
1122 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration*
1123 buildDefiningTemplateFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefining_declaration);
1125 // DQ (11/8/2020): Define a function to build a default constructor for a class.
1126 // ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildConstructor ( const SgName & typeName, SgClassType* initializedName_classType, SgClassDefinition* classDefinition);
1130 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL);
1131 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags = 0);
1132 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags = 0, bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false);
1133 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*
1134 buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList);
1136 // DQ (8/12/2013): This function needs to supporte SgTemplateParameterPtrList and SgTemplateArgumentPtrList parameters.
1137 // SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildNondefiningTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags = 0);
1139 buildNondefiningTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList );
1141 // DQ (12/1/2011): Adding support for template declarations in the AST.
1143 buildDefiningTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefing_declaration );
1146 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgMemberFunctionType* func_type, SgFunctionParameterList* paralist, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1148 // DQ (8/11/2013): Note that the specification of the SgTemplateArgumentPtrList is somewhat redundant with the required parameter first_nondefinng_declaration (I think).
1150 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildDefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefinng_declaration);
1151 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*
1152 buildDefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefinng_declaration, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList);
1154 #if 0
1155 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not used (so let's see if we can remove it).
1156 // DQ (8/29/2012): This is re-enabled because the backstroke project is using it (also added back the default parameters; which I don't think I like in the API).
1157 // DQ (7/26/2012): I would like to remove this from the API (at least for now while debugging the newer API required for template argument handling).
1159 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*
1160 buildDefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgMemberFunctionType* func_type, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL /* , unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags = 0 */, SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefinng_declaration = NULL);
1161 #endif
1163 #if 0
1164 // DQ (3/20/2017): This function is not used (so let's see if we can remove it).
1166 // SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*
1167 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration*
1168 buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration (const SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* funcdecl, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgExprListExp* decoratorList = NULL, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags = 0);
1169 #endif
1171 // DQ (8/28/2012): This preserves the original API with a simpler function (however for C++ at least, it is frequently not sufficent).
1172 // We need to decide if the SageBuilder API should include these sorts of functions.
1173 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* parameter_list, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL);
1175 // DQ (8/28/2012): This preserves the original API with a simpler function (however for C++ at least, it is frequently not sufficent).
1176 // We need to decide if the SageBuilder API should include these sorts of functions.
1177 ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration* buildDefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* parameter_list, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL);
1179 // DQ (8/11/2013): Note that the specification of the SgTemplateArgumentPtrList is somewhat redundant with the required parameter first_nondefinng_declaration (I think).
1181 // SgFunctionDeclaration* buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList * parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefinng_declaration);
1182 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration*
1183 buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration (const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList * parlist, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgExprListExp* decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false, SgFunctionDeclaration* first_nondefinng_declaration = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList = NULL);
1185 // DQ (8/28/2012): This preserves the original API with a simpler function (however for C++ at least, it is frequently not sufficient).
1186 // We need to decide if the SageBuilder API should include these sorts of functions.
1187 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration* buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* parameter_list, SgScopeStatement* scope = NULL);
1189 // DQ (8/28/2012): This preserves the original API with a simpler function (however for C++ at least, it is frequently not sufficient).
1190 // We need to decide if the SageBuilder API should include these sorts of functions.
1194 ROSE_DLL_API SgProcedureHeaderStatement*
1197 // CR (9/24/2020)
1199 ROSE_DLL_API SgProcedureHeaderStatement*
1200 buildNondefiningProcedureHeaderStatement(const SgName & name, SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterList* param_list,
1204 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement*
1205 buildFunctionCallStmt(const SgName& name, SgType* return_type, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1208 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement*
1209 buildFunctionCallStmt(SgExpression* function, SgExprListExp* parameters=NULL);
1216 ROSE_DLL_API SgLabelStatement * buildLabelStatement(const SgName& name, SgStatement * stmt = NULL, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1220 ROSE_DLL_API SgGotoStatement * buildGotoStatement(SgLabelStatement * label=NULL);
1224 ROSE_DLL_API SgGotoStatement * buildGotoStatement(SgLabelSymbol* symbol);
1226 // DQ (11/22/2017): Added support for computed code goto as defined by GNU C/C++ extension.
1228 SgGotoStatement * buildGotoStatement_nfi(SgExpression* expr);
1231 ROSE_DLL_API SgCaseOptionStmt * buildCaseOptionStmt( SgExpression * key = NULL,SgStatement *body = NULL);
1232 SgCaseOptionStmt * buildCaseOptionStmt_nfi( SgExpression * key,SgStatement *body);
1235 ROSE_DLL_API SgDefaultOptionStmt * buildDefaultOptionStmt( SgStatement *body = NULL);
1239 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement* buildExprStatement(SgExpression* exp = NULL);
1240 SgExprStatement* buildExprStatement_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
1242 // DQ (3/27/2015): Added support for SgStatementExpression.
1248 ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatement* buildSwitchStatement(SgStatement *item_selector = NULL,SgStatement *body = NULL);
1249 inline SgSwitchStatement* buildSwitchStatement(SgExpression *item_selector, SgStatement *body = NULL) {
1250  return buildSwitchStatement(buildExprStatement(item_selector), body);
1251 }
1252 ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatement* buildSwitchStatement_nfi(SgStatement *item_selector,SgStatement *body);
1255 ROSE_DLL_API SgIfStmt * buildIfStmt(SgStatement* conditional, SgStatement * true_body, SgStatement * false_body);
1256 inline SgIfStmt * buildIfStmt(SgExpression* conditional, SgStatement * true_body, SgStatement * false_body) {
1257  return buildIfStmt(buildExprStatement(conditional), true_body, false_body);
1258 }
1260 ROSE_DLL_API SgIfStmt* buildIfStmt_nfi(SgStatement* conditional, SgStatement * true_body, SgStatement * false_body);
1262 // Rasmussen (9/3/2018)
1264 ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranDo* buildFortranDo(SgExpression* initialization, SgExpression* bound, SgExpression* increment, SgBasicBlock*);
1265 ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranDo* buildFortranDo_nfi(SgExpression* initialization, SgExpression* bound, SgExpression* increment, SgBasicBlock*);
1269 ROSE_DLL_API SgForInitStatement* buildForInitStatement(const SgStatementPtrList & statements);
1270 ROSE_DLL_API SgForInitStatement* buildForInitStatement_nfi(SgStatementPtrList & statements);
1272 // DQ (10/12/2012): Added new function for a single statement.
1273 ROSE_DLL_API SgForInitStatement* buildForInitStatement( SgStatement* statement );
1276 ROSE_DLL_API SgForStatement * buildForStatement(SgStatement* initialize_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgStatement * loop_body, SgStatement * else_body = NULL);
1277 ROSE_DLL_API SgForStatement * buildForStatement_nfi(SgStatement* initialize_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgStatement * loop_body, SgStatement * else_body = NULL);
1278 ROSE_DLL_API SgForStatement * buildForStatement_nfi(SgForInitStatement * init_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgStatement * loop_body, SgStatement * else_body = NULL);
1279 ROSE_DLL_API void buildForStatement_nfi(SgForStatement* result, SgForInitStatement * init_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgStatement * loop_body, SgStatement * else_body = NULL);
1281 // DQ (3/26/2018): Adding support for range based for statement.
1282 // ROSE_DLL_API SgRangeBasedForStatement* buildRangeBasedForStatement_nfi(SgVariableDeclaration* initializer, SgExpression* range, SgStatement* body);
1284  SgVariableDeclaration* initializer, SgVariableDeclaration* range,
1285  SgVariableDeclaration* begin_declaration, SgVariableDeclaration* end_declaration,
1286  SgExpression* not_equal_expression, SgExpression* increment_expression,
1287  SgStatement* body);
1289 // EDG 4.8 handled the do-while statement differently (more similar to a block scope than before in EDG 4.7 (i.e. with an end-of-construct statement).
1290 // So we need an builder function that can use the existing SgDoWhileStatement scope already on the stack.
1291 ROSE_DLL_API void buildDoWhileStatement_nfi(SgDoWhileStmt* result, SgStatement * body, SgStatement * condition);
1294 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcForAllStatement * buildUpcForAllStatement_nfi(SgStatement* initialize_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgExpression* affinity, SgStatement * loop_body);
1295 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcForAllStatement * buildUpcForAllStatement_nfi(SgForInitStatement * init_stmt, SgStatement * test, SgExpression * increment, SgExpression* affinity, SgStatement * loop_body);
1297 // DQ (3/3/2013): Added UPC specific build functions.
1299 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcNotifyStatement* buildUpcNotifyStatement_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
1302 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcWaitStatement* buildUpcWaitStatement_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
1305 ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcBarrierStatement* buildUpcBarrierStatement_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
1312 ROSE_DLL_API SgWhileStmt * buildWhileStmt(SgStatement * condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body = NULL);
1313 inline SgWhileStmt * buildWhileStmt(SgExpression * condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement* else_body = NULL) {
1314  return buildWhileStmt(buildExprStatement(condition), body, else_body);
1315 }
1316 SgWhileStmt * buildWhileStmt_nfi(SgStatement * condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body = NULL);
1319 ROSE_DLL_API SgWithStatement* buildWithStatement(SgExpression* expr, SgStatement* body);
1320 SgWithStatement* buildWithStatement_nfi(SgExpression* expr, SgStatement* body);
1323 ROSE_DLL_API SgDoWhileStmt * buildDoWhileStmt(SgStatement * body, SgStatement *condition);
1324 inline SgDoWhileStmt * buildDoWhileStmt(SgStatement* body, SgExpression * condition) {
1325  return buildDoWhileStmt(body, buildExprStatement(condition));
1326 }
1330 ROSE_DLL_API SgPragmaDeclaration * buildPragmaDeclaration(const std::string & name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1331 SgPragmaDeclaration * buildPragmaDeclaration_nfi(const std::string & name, SgScopeStatement* scope);
1334 ROSE_DLL_API SgPragma* buildPragma(const std::string & name);
1340 ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * buildBasicBlock(SgStatement * stmt1 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt2 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt3 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt4 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt5 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt6 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt7 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt8 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt9 = NULL, SgStatement* stmt10 = NULL);
1341 ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * buildBasicBlock_nfi();
1342 SgBasicBlock * buildBasicBlock_nfi(const std::vector<SgStatement*>&);
1344 // CR (7/24/2020): Added additional functionality
1349 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement*
1350 buildAssignStatement(SgExpression* lhs,SgExpression* rhs);
1352 // DQ (8/16/2011): Generated a new version of this function to define consistant semantics.
1354 ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement* buildAssignStatement_ast_translate(SgExpression* lhs,SgExpression* rhs);
1357 ROSE_DLL_API SgBreakStmt* buildBreakStmt();
1361 ROSE_DLL_API SgContinueStmt* buildContinueStmt();
1369 ROSE_DLL_API SgPassStatement* buildPassStatement();
1373 ROSE_DLL_API SgAssertStmt* buildAssertStmt(SgExpression* test);
1374 ROSE_DLL_API SgAssertStmt* buildAssertStmt(SgExpression *test, SgExpression *exceptionArgument);
1375 SgAssertStmt* buildAssertStmt_nfi(SgExpression* test);
1378 ROSE_DLL_API SgYieldExpression* buildYieldExpression(SgExpression* value);
1379 SgYieldExpression* buildYieldExpression_nfi(SgExpression* value);
1382 ROSE_DLL_API SgKeyDatumPair* buildKeyDatumPair (SgExpression* key, SgExpression* datum);
1383 SgKeyDatumPair* buildKeyDatumPair_nfi(SgExpression* key, SgExpression* datum);
1386 ROSE_DLL_API SgDictionaryExp* buildDictionaryExp (std::vector<SgKeyDatumPair*> pairs);
1387 SgDictionaryExp* buildDictionaryExp_nfi(std::vector<SgKeyDatumPair*> pairs);
1390 ROSE_DLL_API SgActualArgumentExpression* buildActualArgumentExpression(SgName arg_name, SgExpression* arg);
1394 ROSE_DLL_API SgDeleteExp* buildDeleteExp(SgExpression *target, bool is_array = false, bool need_global_specifier = false, SgFunctionDeclaration *deleteOperatorDeclaration = NULL);
1395 SgDeleteExp* buildDeleteExp_nfi(SgExpression *target, bool is_array = false, bool need_global_specifier = false, SgFunctionDeclaration *deleteOperatorDeclaration = NULL);
1398 ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclarationScope * buildDeclarationScope();
1401 // SgClassDefinition* buildClassDefinition(SgClassDeclaration *d = NULL);
1402 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition* buildClassDefinition(SgClassDeclaration *d = NULL, bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false);
1405 // SgClassDefinition* buildClassDefinition_nfi(SgClassDeclaration *d = NULL);
1406 SgClassDefinition* buildClassDefinition_nfi(SgClassDeclaration *d = NULL, bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false);
1408 // DQ (11/19/2011): Added more template declaration support.
1413 // DQ (6/6/2012): Added support to get the template arguments into place before computing the type.
1414 // SgClassDeclaration* buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope);
1415 // SgClassDeclaration* buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope, bool buildTemplateInstantiation = false);
1416 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration* buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList);
1418 // DQ (8/11/2013): We need to hand in both the SgTemplateParameterPtrList and the SgTemplateArgumentPtrList because class templates can be partially specialized.
1420 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration* buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateSpecializationArgumentList);
1423 ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration* buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateSpecializationArgumentList);
1436 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildStructDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1437 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildStructDeclaration(const std::string& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1438 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildStructDeclaration(const char* name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1445 ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement * buildNamespaceDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1446 ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement * buildNamespaceDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, bool unnamednamespace, SgScopeStatement* scope );
1449 // Pei-Hung (09/14/2023) :added support for building namespace alias
1453 ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryComparisonOp* buildNaryComparisonOp(SgExpression* lhs);
1454 ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryComparisonOp* buildNaryComparisonOp_nfi(SgExpression* lhs);
1455 ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryBooleanOp* buildNaryBooleanOp(SgExpression* lhs);
1456 ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryBooleanOp* buildNaryBooleanOp_nfi(SgExpression* lhs);
1458 ROSE_DLL_API SgStringConversion* buildStringConversion(SgExpression* exp);
1459 ROSE_DLL_API SgStringConversion* buildStringConversion_nfi(SgExpression* exp);
1461 ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration* buildClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement* scope, SgClassDeclaration* nonDefiningDecl, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentsList);
1463 // DQ (8/11/2013): I think that the specification of both SgTemplateParameterPtrList and SgTemplateArgumentPtrList is redundant with the nonDefiningDecl (which is a required parameter).
1464 // DQ (11/19/2011): Added to support template class declaration using EDG 4.x support (to support the template declarations directly in the AST).
1466  SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateSpecializationArgumentList );
1469  SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateSpecializationArgumentList );
1472 ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialDefineDeclaration * buildJovialDefineDeclaration_nfi (const SgName& name, const std::string& params,
1473  const std::string& def_string, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1481 ROSE_DLL_API SgDerivedTypeStatement * buildDerivedTypeStatement (const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1484 ROSE_DLL_API SgModuleStatement * buildModuleStatement(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope /*=NULL*/);
1487 ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialTableStatement * buildJovialTableStatement (const SgName& name,
1491  ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialTableType * buildJovialTableType (const SgName& name, SgType* base_type, SgExprListExp* dim_info, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1495 template <class DeclClass> ROSE_DLL_API
1497  SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL, SgClassDeclaration* nonDefiningDecl=NULL);
1500 ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumDeclaration * buildEnumDeclaration(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1503 ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumDeclaration * buildEnumDeclaration_nfi(const SgName& name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1506 ROSE_DLL_API SgReturnStmt* buildReturnStmt(SgExpression* expression = NULL);
1507 ROSE_DLL_API SgReturnStmt* buildReturnStmt_nfi(SgExpression* expression);
1510 ROSE_DLL_API SgNullStatement* buildNullStatement();
1517 ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranIncludeLine* buildFortranIncludeLine(std::string filename);
1520 ROSE_DLL_API SgCommonBlockObject* buildCommonBlockObject(std::string name="", SgExprListExp* exp_list=NULL);
1523 ROSE_DLL_API SgCommonBlock* buildCommonBlock(SgCommonBlockObject* first_block=NULL);
1525 // driscoll6 (6/9/2011): Adding support for try stmts.
1527 ROSE_DLL_API SgCatchOptionStmt* buildCatchOptionStmt(SgVariableDeclaration* condition=NULL, SgStatement* body=NULL);
1530 ROSE_DLL_API SgAsyncStmt* buildAsyncStmt(SgBasicBlock *body);
1533 ROSE_DLL_API SgFinishStmt* buildFinishStmt(SgBasicBlock *body);
1536 ROSE_DLL_API SgAtStmt* buildAtStmt(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body);
1538 // MH (11/12/2014): Added atomic support
1539 ROSE_DLL_API SgAtomicStmt* buildAtomicStmt(SgBasicBlock *body);
1541 ROSE_DLL_API SgWhenStmt* buildWhenStmt(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body);
1543 // MH (9/16/2014): Added at support
1544 ROSE_DLL_API SgAtExp* buildAtExp(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body);
1546 // MH (11/7/2014): Added finish expression support
1547 ROSE_DLL_API SgFinishExp* buildFinishExp(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body);
1549 ROSE_DLL_API SgHereExp* buildHereExpression();
1551 ROSE_DLL_API SgDotDotExp* buildDotDotExp();
1554 // driscoll6 (6/9/2011): Adding support for try stmts.
1556 ROSE_DLL_API SgTryStmt* buildTryStmt(SgStatement* body,
1557  SgCatchOptionStmt* catch0=NULL,
1558  SgCatchOptionStmt* catch1=NULL,
1559  SgCatchOptionStmt* catch2=NULL,
1560  SgCatchOptionStmt* catch3=NULL,
1561  SgCatchOptionStmt* catch4=NULL);
1563 // charles4 (9/16/2011): Adding support for try stmts.
1565 //SgTryStmt* buildTryStmt(SgStatement *try_body, SgCatchStatementSeq *catches, SgStatement *finally_body = NULL);
1567 // charles4 (9/16/2011): Adding support for try stmts.
1569 ROSE_DLL_API SgTryStmt* buildTryStmt(SgBasicBlock *try_body, SgBasicBlock *finally_body = NULL);
1571 // charles4 (9/16/2011): Adding support for Catch Blocks.
1575 // charles4 (8/25/2011): Adding support for Java Synchronized stmts.
1579 // charles4 (8/25/2011): Adding support for Java Throw stmts.
1583 // charles4 (8/25/2011): Adding support for Java Foreach stmts.
1585 // SgJavaForEachStatement *buildJavaForEachStatement(SgInitializedName * = NULL, SgExpression * = NULL, SgStatement * = NULL);
1586 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaForEachStatement *buildJavaForEachStatement(SgVariableDeclaration * = NULL, SgExpression * = NULL, SgStatement * = NULL);
1588 // charles4 (8/25/2011): Adding support for Java Label stmts.
1590 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaLabelStatement *buildJavaLabelStatement(const SgName &, SgStatement * = NULL);
1593 ROSE_DLL_API SgExecStatement* buildExecStatement(SgExpression* executable, SgExpression* globals = NULL, SgExpression* locals = NULL);
1594 SgExecStatement* buildExecStatement_nfi(SgExpression* executable, SgExpression* globals = NULL, SgExpression* locals = NULL);
1597 ROSE_DLL_API SgPythonPrintStmt* buildPythonPrintStmt(SgExpression* dest = NULL, SgExprListExp* values = NULL);
1598 SgPythonPrintStmt* buildPythonPrintStmt_nfi(SgExpression* dest = NULL, SgExprListExp* values = NULL);
1601 ROSE_DLL_API SgPythonGlobalStmt* buildPythonGlobalStmt(SgInitializedNamePtrList& names);
1602 SgPythonGlobalStmt* buildPythonGlobalStmt_nfi(SgInitializedNamePtrList& names);
1604 // DQ (4/30/2010): Added support for building asm statements.
1606 ROSE_DLL_API SgAsmStmt* buildAsmStatement(std::string s);
1607 SgAsmStmt* buildAsmStatement_nfi(std::string s);
1611 ROSE_DLL_API SgAsmStmt* buildMultibyteNopStatement( int n );
1614 ROSE_DLL_API SgBaseClass* buildBaseClass ( SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration, SgClassDefinition* classDefinition, bool isVirtual, bool isDirect );
1616 ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealBaseClass* buildNonrealBaseClass ( SgNonrealDecl* classDeclaration, SgClassDefinition* classDefinition, bool isVirtual, bool isDirect );
1618 // SgAccessModifier buildAccessModifier ( unsigned int access );
1621 ROSE_DLL_API SgStaticAssertionDeclaration* buildStaticAssertionDeclaration(SgExpression* condition, const SgName & string_literal);
1627 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* buildStatementFromString(const std::string & stmt_str, SgScopeStatement* scope);
1633 //--------------------------------------------------------------
1642 ROSE_DLL_API SgFile* buildFile(const std::string& inputFileName,const std::string& outputFileName, SgProject* project = NULL, bool clear_globalScopeAcrossFiles = false);
1647 ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile* buildSourceFile(const std::string& outputFileName, SgProject* project=NULL, bool clear_globalScopeAcrossFiles = false);
1652 ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile* buildSourceFile(const std::string& inputFileName, const std::string& outputFileName, SgProject* project, bool clear_globalScopeAcrossFiles = false);
1654 // DQ (11/8/2019): Support function for the new file (to support changing the file names in the source position info objects of each AST subtree node.
1656 // ROSE_DLL_API void fixupSourcePositionFileSpecification(SgNode* subtreeRoot, const std::string& newFileName);
1657 ROSE_DLL_API void fixupSourcePositionFileSpecification(SgNode* subtreeRoot, const std::string& newFileName);
1659 // DQ (11/10/2019): Support for sharing IR nodes when buildFile() is applied to an existing file.
1661 ROSE_DLL_API void fixupSharingSourcePosition(SgNode* subtreeRoot, int new_file_id);
1664 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo* buildComment(SgLocatedNode* target, const std::string & content,
1665  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before,
1666  PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType dtype= PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUnknownDeclaration);
1670  const std::string & content,
1671  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before);
1674 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo* buildHeader(const std::string& header_filename,
1675  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before,
1676  bool isSystemHeader =false);
1682 #endif
1684 // 03/17/2014 PHL
1685 // //! Build an equivalence statement from two expression operands
1686 ROSE_DLL_API SgEquivalenceStatement*
1687 buildEquivalenceStatement(SgExpression* lhs,SgExpression* rhs);
1691 ROSE_DLL_API void fixupCopyOfAstFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(SgStatement *insertionPoint, bool insertionPointIsScope,
1692  SgStatement *toInsert, SgStatement* original_before_copy);
1693 ROSE_DLL_API void fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(SgStatement* insertionPoint, bool insertionPointIsScope,
1694  SgNode* node_copy, SgNode* node_original);
1695 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getTargetFileTypeSupport(SgType* snippet_type, SgScopeStatement* targetScope);
1696 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getTargetFileType(SgType* snippet_type, SgScopeStatement* targetScope);
1698 // DQ (12/6/2020): This is the original function (modified slightly, but mostly I have defined a new function that
1699 // will not effect the AST snippet support that is used by this function.
1700 ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol* findAssociatedSymbolInTargetAST(SgDeclarationStatement* snippet_declaration, SgScopeStatement* targetScope);
1702 // DQ (12/6/2020): This is the new function (modified in API and made suitable for the codeSegregation support).
1706 ROSE_DLL_API void errorCheckingTargetAST (SgNode* node_copy, SgNode* node_original, SgFile* targetFile, bool failOnWarning);
1708 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1710 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1715 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaMemberValuePair *buildJavaMemberValuePair(const SgName &, SgExpression *);
1718 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaNormalAnnotation *buildJavaNormalAnnotation(SgType *, std::list<SgJavaMemberValuePair *>&);
1719 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName *buildJavaFormalParameter(SgType *, const SgName &, bool is_var_args = false, bool is_final = false);
1721 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaPackageStatement *buildJavaPackageStatement(std::string);
1722 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaImportStatement *buildJavaImportStatement(std::string, bool);
1724 ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile *buildJavaSourceFile(SgProject *, std::string, SgClassDefinition *, std::string);
1725 ROSE_DLL_API SgArrayType *getUniqueJavaArrayType(SgType *, int);
1726 ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaParameterizedType *getUniqueJavaParameterizedType(SgNamedType *, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *);
1735 //----------------------------------------------------------
1754  //----------------------build unary expressions----------------------
1760 template <class T>
1761  T* buildUnaryExpression(SgExpression* operand) {
1762  SgExpression* myoperand=operand;
1763  T* result = new T(myoperand, NULL);
1764  ROSE_ASSERT(result);
1765  if (myoperand!=NULL) {
1766  myoperand->set_parent(result);
1767  // set lvalue, it asserts operand!=NULL
1768  markLhsValues(result);
1769  }
1771  return result;
1772  }
1778 template <class T>
1779 T* buildUnaryExpression_nfi(SgExpression* operand) {
1780  SgExpression* myoperand = operand;
1781  T* result = new T(myoperand, NULL);
1782  ROSE_ASSERT(result);
1784  if (myoperand != NULL) {
1785  myoperand->set_parent(result);
1786  // set lvalue, it asserts operand!=NULL
1787  markLhsValues(result);
1788  }
1791  result->set_need_paren(false);
1792  return result;
1793  }
1795 //---------------------binary expressions-----------------------
1801  template <class T>
1802  T* buildBinaryExpression(SgExpression* lhs, SgExpression* rhs) {
1803  SgExpression* mylhs, *myrhs;
1804  mylhs = lhs;
1805  myrhs = rhs;
1806  T* result = new T(mylhs,myrhs, NULL);
1807  ROSE_ASSERT(result);
1808  if (mylhs!=NULL) {
1809  mylhs->set_parent(result);
1810  // set lvalue
1811  markLhsValues(result);
1812  }
1813  if (myrhs!=NULL) myrhs->set_parent(result);
1815  return result;
1816  }
1822  template <class T>
1823  T* buildBinaryExpression_nfi(SgExpression* lhs, SgExpression* rhs) {
1824  SgExpression* mylhs, *myrhs;
1825  mylhs = lhs;
1826  myrhs = rhs;
1827  T* result = new T(mylhs,myrhs, NULL);
1828  ROSE_ASSERT(result);
1829  if (mylhs!=NULL) {
1830  mylhs->set_parent(result);
1831  // set lvalue
1832  markLhsValues(result);
1833  }
1834  if (myrhs!=NULL) myrhs->set_parent(result);
1836  result->set_need_paren(false);
1838  return result;
1839  }
1841 } // end of namespace
1843 namespace Rose {
1844  namespace Frontend {
1845  namespace Java {
1847  extern ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition *javaLangPackageDefinition;
1848  extern ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType *ObjectClassType;
1849  extern ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType *StringClassType;
1850  extern ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType *ClassClassType;
1851  extern ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol *lengthSymbol;
1853  }// ::Rose::frontend::java
1854  }// ::Rose::frontend
1855 }// ::Rose
1857 namespace Rose {
1858  namespace Builder {
1859  namespace Templates {
1861  SgTemplateArgument * buildTemplateArgument(SgType * t);
1862  SgTemplateArgument * buildTemplateArgument(SgExpression * e);
1863  SgTemplateArgument * buildTemplateArgument(int v);
1864  SgTemplateArgument * buildTemplateArgument(bool v);
1866  std::string strTemplateArgument(int v);
1867  std::string strTemplateArgument(bool v);
1868  std::string strTemplateArgument(SgType * t);
1869  std::string strTemplateArgument(SgNamedType * nt);
1870  std::string strTemplateArgument(SgExpression * e);
1872  template <typename... Args>
1874  static std::string str() { return ""; }
1875  static void fill(std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args) {}
1876  };
1878  template <typename T>
1880  static std::string str(T v) {
1881  return strTemplateArgument(v);
1882  }
1883  static void fill(std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args, T v) {
1884  tpl_args.push_back(buildTemplateArgument(v));
1885  }
1886  };
1888  template <typename T, typename... Args>
1889  struct TemplateArgumentList<T, Args...> {
1890  static std::string str(T v, Args... args) {
1891  return strTemplateArgument(v) + ", " + TemplateArgumentList<Args...>::str(args...);
1892  }
1893  static void fill(std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args, T v, Args... args) {
1894  tpl_args.push_back(buildTemplateArgument(v));
1895  TemplateArgumentList<Args...>::fill(tpl_args, args...);
1896  }
1897  };
1899  template <typename... Args>
1900  std::string strTemplateArgumentList(Args... args) {
1901  return TemplateArgumentList<Args...>::str(args...);
1902  }
1904  template <typename... Args>
1905  void fillTemplateArgumentList(std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args, Args... args) {
1906  TemplateArgumentList<Args...>::fill(tpl_args, args...);
1907  }
1909  template <typename... Args>
1910  std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> buildTemplateArgumentList(Args... args) {
1911  std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> tpl_args;
1912  TemplateArgumentList<Args...>::fill(tpl_args, args...);
1913  return tpl_args;
1914  }
1916  SgExpression * instantiateNonrealRefExps(SgExpression * expr, std::vector<SgTemplateParameter *> & tpl_params, std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args);
1917  SgType * instantiateNonrealTypes(SgType * type, std::vector<SgTemplateParameter *> & tpl_params, std::vector<SgTemplateArgument *> & tpl_args);
1919 } } }
1921 namespace SageBuilder {
1922  using namespace Rose::Builder::Templates;
1923 }
1925 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1927 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialTableType * buildJovialTableType(const SgName &name, SgType *base_type, SgExprListExp *dim_info, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a Jovial table type with required class definition and defining and nondefining declarations...
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * buildInitializedName_nfi(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *init)
Initialized names are tricky, their scope vary depending on context, so scope and symbol information ...
SgPythonGlobalStmt * buildPythonGlobalStmt_nfi(SgInitializedNamePtrList &names)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the notion of an initializer for a variable declaration or expression in a func...
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal * buildLongLongIntVal_nfi(long long value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgHereExp * buildHereExpression()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope, etc.).
This class represents the concept of an instantiation of member function template or a member functio...
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaMarkerAnnotation * buildJavaMarkerAnnotation(SgType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassNameRefExp * buildClassNameRefExp(SgClassSymbol *sym)
This class represents the concept of a class declaration statement. It includes the concept of an ins...
ROSE_DLL_API void clearScopeStack()
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgWcharVal * buildWcharVal(wchar_t value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgAsmStmt * buildAsmStatement(std::string s)
Build a NULL statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaExp * buildLambdaExp(SgLambdaCaptureList *lambda_capture_list, SgClassDeclaration *lambda_closure_class, SgFunctionDeclaration *lambda_function)
DQ (9/3/2014): Adding support for C++11 Lambda expressions.
This class represents the concept of a declaration list.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeIdOp * buildTypeIdOp(SgExpression *operand_expr, SgType *operand_type)
DQ (1/25/2013): Added support for typeId operators.
ROSE_DLL_API SgConstructorInitializer * buildConstructorInitializer(SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *declaration, SgExprListExp *args, SgType *expression_type, bool need_name, bool need_qualifier, bool need_parenthesis_after_name, bool associated_class_unknown)
This class represents a boolean value (expression value).
ROSE_DLL_API SgSuperExp * buildSuperExp_nfi(SgClassSymbol *sym)
SgCudaKernelExecConfig * buildCudaKernelExecConfig_nfi(SgExpression *grid=NULL, SgExpression *blocks=NULL, SgExpression *shared=NULL, SgExpression *stream=NULL)
Build a CUDA kernel execution configuration (<<>>)
ROSE_DLL_API SgPointerMemberType * buildPointerMemberType(SgType *base_type, SgType *classType)
Pei-Hung (06/30/2023): support for SgPointerMemberType.
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * buildJavaFormalParameter(SgType *, const SgName &, bool is_var_args=false, bool is_final=false)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the notion of an n-ary comparison operation. This node is intended for use with...
ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer * buildAssignInitializer(SgExpression *operand_i=NULL, SgType *expression_type=NULL)
Build the rhs of a variable declaration which includes an assignment.
ROSE_DLL_API SgArrayType * buildArrayType(SgType *base_type=NULL, SgExpression *index=NULL)
Build ArrayType.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFoldExpression * buildFoldExpression(SgExpression *operands, std::string operator_token_string, bool is_left_associative)
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefDeclaration * buildTypedefDeclaration(const std::string &name, SgType *base_type, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, bool has_defining_base=false)
Build a typedef declaration, such as: typedef int myint; typedef struct A {..} s_A;.
ROSE_DLL_API SgForInitStatement * buildForInitStatement()
Build a for init statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatement * buildSwitchStatement(SgStatement *item_selector=NULL, SgStatement *body=NULL)
Build a switch statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterPtrList * getTemplateParameterList(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ goto statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExecStatement * buildExecStatement(SgExpression *executable, SgExpression *globals=NULL, SgExpression *locals=NULL)
Build an exec statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgClassDeclaration *nonDefiningDecl, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildModifierType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a modifier type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryComparisonOp * buildNaryComparisonOp_nfi(SgExpression *lhs)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp * buildAlignOfOp_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFile * buildFile(const std::string &inputFileName, const std::string &outputFileName, SgProject *project=NULL, bool clear_globalScopeAcrossFiles=false)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgReturnStmt * buildReturnStmt(SgExpression *expression=NULL)
Build a return statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLabelRefExp * buildLabelRefExp(SgLabelSymbol *s)
Build a Fortran numeric label ref exp.
SgActualArgumentExpression * buildActualArgumentExpression_nfi(SgName arg_name, SgExpression *arg)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API void pushScopeStack(SgScopeStatement *stmt)
Public interfaces of the scope stack, should be stable.
This class represents the concept of the dynamic execution of a string, file, or code object...
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedShort * buildUnsignedShortType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclarationStatement * findAssociatedDeclarationInTargetAST(SgDeclarationStatement *snippet_declaration, SgScopeStatement *targetScope)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAtExp * buildAtExp(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaWildcardType * getUniqueJavaWildcardExtends(SgType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
SgMemberFunctionRefExp * buildMemberFunctionRefExp_nfi(SgMemberFunctionSymbol *sym, bool virtual_call, bool need_qualifier)
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ statement which contains a expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionRefExp * buildMemberFunctionRefExp(SgMemberFunctionSymbol *sym, bool virtual_call, bool need_qualifier)
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcThreads * buildUpcThreads_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat128Val * buildFloat128Val(long double value=0.0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal * buildLongIntVal_nfi(long value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar32 * buildChar32Type()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeMatrix * buildMatrixType()
Build a Matlab Matrix Type.
This class represents a source file for a project (which may contian many source files and or directo...
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumVal * buildEnumVal(long long int value, SgEnumDeclaration *decl, SgName name)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration * buildDefiningTemplateFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration *first_nondefining_declaration)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumVal * buildEnumVal_nfi(long long int value, SgEnumDeclaration *decl, SgName name)
SgDefaultOptionStmt * buildDefaultOptionStmt_nfi(SgStatement *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the variable declaration or variable initialization withn a for loop...
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildFortranKindType(SgType *base_type, SgExpression *kindExpression)
Build a type based on the Fortran kind mechanism.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAttributeSpecificationStatement * buildAttributeSpecificationStatement(SgAttributeSpecificationStatement::attribute_spec_enum kind)
Build Fortran attribute specification statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMagicColonExp * buildMagicColonExp()
Build a Matlab colon expression :
ROSE_DLL_API SgSuperExp * buildSuperExp(SgClassSymbol *sym)
Build super pointer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat80Val * buildFloat80Val_nfi(long double value, const std::string &str)
This class represents the concept of a C++ sequence of catch statements.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * buildBasicBlock(SgStatement *stmt1=NULL, SgStatement *stmt2=NULL, SgStatement *stmt3=NULL, SgStatement *stmt4=NULL, SgStatement *stmt5=NULL, SgStatement *stmt6=NULL, SgStatement *stmt7=NULL, SgStatement *stmt8=NULL, SgStatement *stmt9=NULL, SgStatement *stmt10=NULL)
Build a SgBasicBlock, setting file info internally.
This class represents the notion of a unary operator. It is derived from a SgExpression because opera...
ROSE_DLL_API SgActualArgumentExpression * buildActualArgumentExpression(SgName arg_name, SgExpression *arg)
Build an Actual Argument Expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAlignOfOp * buildAlignOfOp(SgExpression *exp=NULL)
Build alignof() expression with an expression parameter.
ROSE_DLL_API SgThisExp * buildThisExp_nfi(SgSymbol *sym)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType * buildClassTemplateType(SgTemplateClassDeclaration *template_decl, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &template_args)
Some support for building class template instantiation declarations.
bool inSwitchScope()
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * buildFortranImplicitType(SgName name)
Build a type based on Fortran's implicit typing rules.
This class represents the GNU extension "statement expression" (thus is non-standard C and C++)...
This class represents the C++ throw expression (handled as a unary operator).
This class represents the rhs of a variable declaration which includes an optional assignment (e...
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongDoubleVal * buildLongDoubleVal(long double value=0.0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLongDouble * buildLongDoubleType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeComplex * buildComplexType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a complex type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal * buildUnsignedLongVal_nfi(unsigned long v, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFoldExpression * buildFoldExpression_nfi(SgExpression *operands, std::string operator_token_string, bool is_left_associative)
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaExp * buildLambdaExp_nfi(SgLambdaCaptureList *lambda_capture_list, SgClassDeclaration *lambda_closure_class, SgFunctionDeclaration *lambda_function)
This class represents the concept of a C++ using directive.
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * buildInitializedName(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *init=NULL)
Initialized names are tricky, their scope vary depending on context, so scope and symbol information ...
ROSE_DLL_API void popScopeStack()
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
This class represents the base class for all types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStringVal * buildStringVal(std::string value="")
SgSetComprehension * buildSetComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators)
T * buildUnaryExpression(SgExpression *operand)
Template function to build a unary expression of type T. Instantiated functions include:buildAddressO...
Definition: sageBuilder.h:1761
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaTypeExpression * buildJavaTypeExpression(SgType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build SgVarRefExp based on a variable's Sage name. It will lookup the name in the symbol table intern...
ROSE_DLL_API SgDotDotExp * buildDotDotExp()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgCaseOptionStmt * buildCaseOptionStmt_nfi(SgExpression *key, SgStatement *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar16 * buildChar16Type()
Built in simple types.
Collection of streams.
Definition: Message.h:1606
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
ROSE_DLL_API DeclClass * buildClassDeclarationStatement_nfi(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, SgClassDeclaration *nonDefiningDecl=NULL)
Build a generic class declaration statement (SgClassDeclaration or subclass) with a class declaration...
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateType * buildTemplateType(SgName name="")
Build a template type, used for template parameter and later argument.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionType * buildFunctionType(SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList *typeList=NULL)
Build function type from return type and parameter type list.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSetComprehension * buildSetComprehension(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators)
ROSE_DLL_API SgForInitStatement * buildForInitStatement_nfi(SgStatementPtrList &statements)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API AbstractHandle::abstract_handle * buildAbstractHandle(SgNode *n)
Build an abstract handle from a SgNode.
This class represents the concept of a class name within the compiler.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal * buildUnsignedIntVal(unsigned int v=0)
Build an unsigned integer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAutoType * buildAutoType()
Built in simple types.
SourcePositionClassification SourcePositionClassificationMode
C++ SageBuilder namespace specific state for storage of the source code position state (used to contr...
Classify as compiler generated code (e.g. template instantiation).
Definition: sageBuilder.h:144
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeExpression * buildTypeExpression(SgType *type)
DQ (7/24/2014): Adding support for c11 generic operands.
SgListExp * buildListExp_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement * buildFunctionCallStmt(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgExprListExp *parameters=NULL, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a regular function call statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildRestrictType(SgType *base_type)
Build a restrict type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgThisExp * buildThisExp(SgSymbol *sym)
Build this pointer.
This class represents the concept of an enum declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementExpression * buildStatementExpression_nfi(SgStatement *exp)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API void testTemplateParameterParents(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
DQ (9/16/2012): Added function to support setting the template parameters and setting their parents (...
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcMythread * buildUpcMythread_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgKeyDatumPair * buildKeyDatumPair(SgExpression *key, SgExpression *datum)
Build a key-datum pair.
SgCompoundLiteralExp * buildCompoundLiteralExp_nfi(SgVariableSymbol *varSymbol)
Build function for compound literals (uses a SgVariableSymbol and is similar to buildVarRefExp_nfi())...
SgDictionaryComprehension * buildDictionaryComprehension_nfi(SgKeyDatumPair *kd_pair, SgExprListExp *generators)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration * buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateSpecializationArgumentList)
ROSE_DLL_API SgEquivalenceStatement * buildEquivalenceStatement(SgExpression *lhs, SgExpression *rhs)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgRangeBasedForStatement * buildRangeBasedForStatement_nfi(SgVariableDeclaration *initializer, SgVariableDeclaration *range, SgVariableDeclaration *begin_declaration, SgVariableDeclaration *end_declaration, SgExpression *not_equal_expression, SgExpression *increment_expression, SgStatement *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the "this" operator (can be applied to any member data).
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExp * buildExprListExp(SgExpression *expr1=NULL, SgExpression *expr2=NULL, SgExpression *expr3=NULL, SgExpression *expr4=NULL, SgExpression *expr5=NULL, SgExpression *expr6=NULL, SgExpression *expr7=NULL, SgExpression *expr8=NULL, SgExpression *expr9=NULL, SgExpression *expr10=NULL)
Build a SgExprListExp, used for function call parameter list etc.
void set_parent(SgNode *parent)
All nodes in the AST contain a reference to a parent node.
This class represents a string type used for SgStringVal IR node.
SgClassNameRefExp * buildClassNameRefExp_nfi(SgClassSymbol *sym)
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcStrictType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a UPC strict type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningTemplateFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, SgExprListExp *decoratorList=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the notion of an n-ary boolean operation. This node is intended for use with Py...
ROSE_DLL_API SgComprehension * buildComprehension(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *iter, SgExprListExp *ifs)
Fortran specific classification of attribute statements (each corresponds to a declaration attribute)...
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture * buildLambdaCapture(SgExpression *capture_variable, SgExpression *source_closure_variable, SgExpression *closure_variable)
This class represents the notion of a declared variable.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcBlockNumberType(SgType *base_type, long block_factor)
Build a UPC shared[n] type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgThrowOp * buildThrowOp(SgExpression *, SgThrowOp::e_throw_kind)
Build a ThrowOp expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAwaitExpression * buildAwaitExpression_nfi()
SgNullStatement * buildNullStatement_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModuleStatement * buildModuleStatement(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a Fortran module declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp * buildFunctionCallExp(SgFunctionSymbol *sym, SgExprListExp *parameters=NULL)
Build a function call expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaParameterizedType * getUniqueJavaParameterizedType(SgNamedType *, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
SgAssertStmt * buildAssertStmt_nfi(SgExpression *test)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a member function declaration statement.
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ case option (used within a switch statement)...
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateArgumentPtrList * getTemplateArgumentList(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStaticAssertionDeclaration * buildStaticAssertionDeclaration(SgExpression *condition, const SgName &string_literal)
DQ (7/25/2014): Adding support for C11 static assertions.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaSingleMemberAnnotation * buildJavaSingleMemberAnnotation(SgType *, SgExpression *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the concept of a function declaration statement.
SgAsmStmt * buildAsmStatement_nfi(std::string s)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat128 * buildFloat128Type()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration * buildVariableDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool builtFromUseOnly=false, SgStorageModifier::storage_modifier_enum sm=SgStorageModifier::e_default)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgIfStmt * buildIfStmt(SgStatement *conditional, SgStatement *true_body, SgStatement *false_body)
Build if statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumDeclaration * buildNondefiningEnumDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build an enum first nondefining declaration, without file info.
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested).
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumDeclaration * buildEnumDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build an enum, It is also a declaration statement in SAGE III.
ROSE_DLL_API SgChar16Val * buildChar16Val_nfi(unsigned short value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgBaseClass * buildBaseClass(SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration, SgClassDefinition *classDefinition, bool isVirtual, bool isDirect)
DQ (5/6/2013): Added build functions to support SgBaseClass construction.
ROSE_DLL_API SgReferenceType * buildReferenceType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a reference type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType * buildTemplateClassType(SgTemplateClassDeclaration *template_decl, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &template_args)
Same as buildClassTemplateType(), just better name.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat128Val * buildFloat128Val_nfi(long double value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedLongLong * buildSignedLongLongType()
Built in simple types.
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ expression list.
ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal * buildIntValHex(int value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgPlusPlusOp * buildPlusPlusOp_nfi(SgExpression *op)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedInt * buildUnsignedIntType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(SgStatement *insertionPoint, bool insertionPointIsScope, SgNode *node_copy, SgNode *node_original)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNewExp * buildNewExp(SgType *type, SgExprListExp *exprListExp, SgConstructorInitializer *constInit, SgExpression *expr, short int val, SgFunctionDeclaration *funcDecl)
SgFunctionParameterList * buildFunctionParameterList_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeOfType * buildTypeOfType(SgExpression *base_expression, SgType *base_type)
Build a GNU typeof operator.
This class represents the "sizeof()" operator (applied to any type).
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaWildcardType * getUniqueJavaWildcardUnbound()
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgArrayType * getUniqueJavaArrayType(SgType *, int)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBoolValExp * buildBoolValExp(int value=0)
Build a bool value expression, the name convention of SgBoolValExp is little different from others fo...
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getTargetFileType(SgType *snippet_type, SgScopeStatement *targetScope)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialForThenStatement * buildJovialForThenStatement_nfi()
Build a Jovial loop statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgProcedureHeaderStatement * buildProcedureHeaderStatement(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parameter_list, SgProcedureHeaderStatement::subprogram_kind_enum, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclarationScope * buildDeclarationScope()
Build a scope statement. Used to build SgNonrealDecl and SgNonrealType.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcBarrierStatement * buildUpcBarrierStatement_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
Build a UPC barrier statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal * buildIntVal(int value=0)
Build an integer value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterRefExp * buildFunctionParameterRefExp(int parameter_number, int parameter_level)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration * buildTemplateClassDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgTemplateClassDeclaration *nonDefiningDecl, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateSpecializationArgumentList)
Build tempplate class declaration.
This class represents the concept of a C++ namespace alias declaration statement. ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatement * buildNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatement(const SgName &name, SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *namespaceDeclaration)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialDefineDeclaration * buildJovialDefineDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, const std::string &params, const std::string &def_string, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a Jovial define directive declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgPragma * buildPragma(const std::string &name)
Build SgPragma.
Main namespace for the ROSE library.
ROSE_DLL_API SgPlusPlusOp * buildPlusPlusOp(SgExpression *op=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildOpaqueVarRefExp(const std::string &varName, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a variable reference expression at scope to an opaque variable which has unknown information ex...
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaMemberValuePair * buildJavaMemberValuePair(const SgName &, SgExpression *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCommonBlock * buildCommonBlock(SgCommonBlockObject *first_block=NULL)
Build a Fortran Common statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgReturnStmt * buildReturnStmt_nfi(SgExpression *expression)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal * buildShortValHex(short value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal * buildUnsignedLongLongIntValHex(unsigned long long v=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgStmtDeclarationStatement * buildStmtDeclarationStatement(SgStatement *stmt)
Build a StmtDeclarationStmt.
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranIncludeLine * buildFortranIncludeLine(std::string filename)
Build Fortran include line.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDerivedTypeStatement * buildDerivedTypeStatement(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build an SgDerivedTypeStatement Fortran derived type declaration with a class declaration and definit...
ROSE_DLL_API SgConstructorInitializer * buildConstructorInitializer_nfi(SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *declaration, SgExprListExp *args, SgType *expression_type, bool need_name, bool need_qualifier, bool need_parenthesis_after_name, bool associated_class_unknown)
ROSE_DLL_API SgCompoundInitializer * buildCompoundInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp *initializers, SgType *type=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildNondefiningClassDeclaration(SgName name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
DQ (11/7/2009): Added functions to build C++ class.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryBooleanOp * buildNaryBooleanOp_nfi(SgExpression *lhs)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildJavaArrayLengthVarRefExp()
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
MK: Enum type to store if the directive goes before or after the corresponding line of source code...
ROSE_DLL_API SgCatchOptionStmt * buildCatchOptionStmt(SgVariableDeclaration *condition=NULL, SgStatement *body=NULL)
Build a catch statement.
This class represents the concept of a C trinary conditional expression (e.g. "test ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat80 * buildFloat80Type()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialTableStatement * buildJovialTableStatement(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a Jovial table declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDoubleVal * buildDoubleVal_nfi(double value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgRangeExp * buildRangeExp(SgExpression *start)
Build a Matlab range expression like start:end or start:stride:end.
This class represents the notion of an expression. Expressions are derived from SgLocatedNodes, since similar to statement, expressions have a concrete location within the user's source code.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStringConversion * buildStringConversion(SgExpression *exp)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgFunctionCallExp * buildFunctionCallExp_nfi(SgExpression *f, SgExprListExp *parameters=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeVoid * buildVoidType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal * buildShortVal_nfi(short value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildClassDeclaration(SgName name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build C++ class (builds both the non-defining and defining declarations; in that order).
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeInt * buildIntType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCompoundInitializer * buildCompoundInitializer(SgExprListExp *initializers=NULL, SgType *type=NULL)
Build a compound initializer, for vector type initialization.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateVariableDeclaration * buildTemplateVariableDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build template variable declarations.
SgKeyDatumPair * buildKeyDatumPair_nfi(SgExpression *key, SgExpression *datum)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusMinusOp * buildMinusMinusOp(SgExpression *op=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgTypeTraitBuiltinOperator * buildTypeTraitBuiltinOperator(SgName functionName, SgNodePtrList parameters)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterList * buildFunctionParameterList(SgInitializedName *in1=NULL, SgInitializedName *in2=NULL, SgInitializedName *in3=NULL, SgInitializedName *in4=NULL, SgInitializedName *in5=NULL, SgInitializedName *in6=NULL, SgInitializedName *in7=NULL, SgInitializedName *in8=NULL, SgInitializedName *in9=NULL, SgInitializedName *in10=NULL)
Build an empty SgFunctionParameterList, possibly with some initialized names filled in...
ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp * buildSizeOfOp(SgExpression *exp=NULL)
Build sizeof() expression with an expression parameter.
SgName unparseTemplateArgumentToString(SgTemplateArgument *templateArgument)
DQ (3/9/2018): Added to support debugging.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedChar * buildUnsignedCharType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildConstType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a const type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusOp * buildMinusOp_nfi(SgExpression *op)
ROSE_DLL_API SgChooseExpression * buildChooseExpression()
ROSE_DLL_API SgAsyncStmt * buildAsyncStmt(SgBasicBlock *body)
MH (6/10/2014): Added async support.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDoWhileStmt * buildDoWhileStmt(SgStatement *body, SgStatement *condition)
Build do-while statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTupleExp * buildTupleExp(SgExpression *expr1=NULL, SgExpression *expr2=NULL, SgExpression *expr3=NULL, SgExpression *expr4=NULL, SgExpression *expr5=NULL, SgExpression *expr6=NULL, SgExpression *expr7=NULL, SgExpression *expr8=NULL, SgExpression *expr9=NULL, SgExpression *expr10=NULL)
Build a SgTupleExp.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFixed * buildFixedType(SgExpression *fraction, SgExpression *scale)
Build a Jovial fixed type with a fraction specifier and a scale specifier.
This class represents the notion of a break statement (typically used in a switch statment)...
ROSE_DLL_API SgMatrixExp * buildMatrixExp(SgExprListExp *firstRow)
Build a Matlab Matrix.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildJavaDefiningClassDeclaration(SgScopeStatement *, std::string, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind=SgClassDeclaration::e_class)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal * buildUnsignedIntValHex(unsigned int v=0)
This class represents the concept of a name within the compiler.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNullExpression * buildNullExpression_nfi()
No file info version of buildNullExpression(). File info is to be set later on.
T * buildUnaryExpression_nfi(SgExpression *operand)
Template function to build a unary expression of type T with no file info. Instantiated functions inc...
Definition: sageBuilder.h:1779
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateVariableDeclaration * buildTemplateVariableDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement * buildNamespaceDefinition(SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *d=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLong * buildLongType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAggregateInitializer * buildAggregateInitializer(SgExprListExp *initializers=NULL, SgType *type=NULL)
Build an aggregate initializer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNoexceptOp * buildNoexceptOp_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildDefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *first_nondefinng_declaration, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList)
Build a defining ( non-prototype) member function declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranContinueStmt * buildFortranContinueStmt()
Build a Fortran continue statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition(SgNode *node)
Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.
ROSE_DLL_API SgIntVal * buildIntVal_nfi(int value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgNoexceptOp * buildNoexceptOp(SgExpression *exp=NULL)
Build noexcept operator expression with an expression parameter.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcBlockIndefiniteType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a UPC shared[] type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgConstVolatileModifier * buildConstVolatileModifier(SgConstVolatileModifier::cv_modifier_enum mtype=SgConstVolatileModifier::e_unknown)
Build a const/volatile type qualifier.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal * buildUnsignedLongVal(unsigned long v=0)
Build a unsigned long integer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDeclaration * buildVariableDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *type, SgInitializer *varInit=NULL, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
Storage Modifiers (only one value can be specified)
ROSE_DLL_API SgStringConversion * buildStringConversion_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgPythonPrintStmt * buildPythonPrintStmt_nfi(SgExpression *dest=NULL, SgExprListExp *values=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaLabelStatement * buildJavaLabelStatement(const SgName &, SgStatement *=NULL)
Build a Java Label statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStmtDeclarationStatement * buildStmtDeclarationStatement_nfi(SgStatement *stmt)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameter * buildTemplateParameter(SgTemplateParameter::template_parameter_enum parameterType, SgType *)
Build a template parameter, passing enum kind and SgTemplateType template_parameter_enum { parameter_...
This class represents the concept of a class definition in C++.
SgTemplateFunctionRefExp * buildTemplateFunctionRefExp_nfi(SgTemplateFunctionSymbol *sym)
DQ (12/15/2011): Adding template declaration support to the AST.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaForEachStatement * buildJavaForEachStatement(SgVariableDeclaration *=NULL, SgExpression *=NULL, SgStatement *=NULL)
Build a Java Foreach statement.
This class represents strings within the IR nodes.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal * buildLongIntVal(long value=0)
Build a long integer value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API bool emptyScopeStack()
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusMinusOp * buildMinusMinusOp_nfi(SgExpression *op)
Definition: sageBuilder.h:138
ROSE_DLL_API void fixupSharingSourcePosition(SgNode *subtreeRoot, int new_file_id)
Sharing IR nodes requires that the file id be added to the fileIDsToUnparse held in the Sg_File_Info ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal * buildUnsignedShortVal(unsigned short v=0)
Build an unsigned short integer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement * topScopeStack()
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
SgWhileStmt * buildWhileStmt_nfi(SgStatement *condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNullStatement * buildNullStatement()
Build a NULL statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealDecl * buildNonrealDecl(const SgName &name, SgDeclarationScope *scope, SgDeclarationScope *child_scope=NULL)
Build a declaration of a non-real class or class-member representing template parameters and their me...
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildStructDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a structure, It is also a declaration statement in SAGE III.
Functions that build an AST.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:31
This class is intended to be a wrapper around SgStatements, allowing them to exist in scopes that onl...
ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal * buildImaginaryVal_nfi(SgValueExp *imaginary_value, const std::string &str)
SgContinueStmt * buildContinueStmt_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal * buildUnsignedCharVal_nfi(unsigned char v, const std::string &str)
This class represents the concept of a contructor initializer list (used in constructor (member funct...
ROSE_DLL_API SgAssertStmt * buildAssertStmt(SgExpression *test)
Build a Assert statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration * buildTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgTemplateClassDeclaration *nonDefiningDecl, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateSpecializationArgumentList)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
Functions that are useful when operating on the AST.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:25
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionType * buildMemberFunctionType(SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList *typeList, SgScopeStatement *struct_name, unsigned int mfunc_specifier)
DQ (1/16/2009): Added to support member function in C++ (for new interface)
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaQualifiedType * getUniqueJavaQualifiedType(SgClassDeclaration *, SgNamedType *, SgNamedType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAggregateInitializer * buildAggregateInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp *initializers, SgType *type=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition * buildClassDefinition(SgClassDeclaration *d=NULL, bool buildTemplateInstantiation=false)
Build a class definition scope statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCastExp * buildCastExp_nfi(SgExpression *operand_i, SgType *expression_type, SgCastExp::cast_type_enum cast_type)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedLong * buildUnsignedLongType()
Built in simple types.
Classification for different types of Fortran subprograms.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol * findAssociatedSymbolInTargetAST(SgDeclarationStatement *snippet_declaration, SgScopeStatement *targetScope)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal * buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal_nfi(unsigned long long v, const std::string &str)
SgTemplateMemberFunctionRefExp * buildTemplateMemberFunctionRefExp_nfi(SgTemplateMemberFunctionSymbol *sym, bool virtual_call, bool need_qualifier)
DQ (12/29/2011): Adding template declaration support to the AST.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBoolValExp * buildBoolValExp_nfi(int value)
ROSE_DLL_API SgAtomicStmt * buildAtomicStmt(SgBasicBlock *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgClassDefinition * buildClassDefinition_nfi(SgClassDeclaration *d=NULL, bool buildTemplateInstantiation=false)
Build a class definition scope statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcForAllStatement * buildUpcForAllStatement_nfi(SgStatement *initialize_stmt, SgStatement *test, SgExpression *increment, SgExpression *affinity, SgStatement *loop_body)
Build a UPC forall statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCapture * buildLambdaCapture_nfi(SgExpression *capture_variable, SgExpression *source_closure_variable, SgExpression *closure_variable)
SgSubscriptExpression * buildSubscriptExpression_nfi(SgExpression *lower_bound, SgExpression *upper_bound, SgExpression *stride)
Build a SgSubscriptExpression, used for array shape expressions. The lower bound and stride may be nu...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementExpression * buildStatementExpression(SgStatement *exp)
Build a GNU statement expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStringVal * buildStringVal_nfi(std::string value)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFinishStmt * buildFinishStmt(SgBasicBlock *body)
MH (6/11/2014): Added finish support.
ROSE_DLL_API SgChar32Val * buildChar32Val(unsigned int value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaWildcardType * getUniqueJavaWildcardSuper(SgType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the notion of a typedef declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgChar16Val * buildChar16Val(unsigned short value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgLabelStatement * buildLabelStatement(const SgName &name, SgStatement *stmt=NULL, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a label statement, name is the label's name. Handling label symbol and scope internally...
ROSE_DLL_API SgWcharVal * buildWcharVal_nfi(wchar_t value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableDefinition * buildVariableDefinition_nfi(SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgInitializedName *init_name, SgInitializer *init)
Build variable definition.
ROSE_DLL_API SgConditionalExp * buildConditionalExp(SgExpression *test=NULL, SgExpression *a=NULL, SgExpression *b=NULL)
Build a conditional expression ?:
SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp_nfi(SgFunctionSymbol *sym)
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongLongIntVal * buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal(unsigned long long v=0)
Build an unsigned long long integer.
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the base class for all IR nodes within Sage III.
Definition: Cxx_Grammar.h:9846
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefDeclaration * buildTypedefDeclaration_nfi(const std::string &name, SgType *base_type, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, bool has_defining_base=false)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a catch within a try-catch construct used in C++ exception handl...
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal * buildUnsignedShortValHex(unsigned short v=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterTypeList * buildFunctionParameterTypeList(SgFunctionParameterList *paralist)
Build SgFunctionParameterTypeList from SgFunctionParameterList.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string display(SourcePositionClassification &scp)
display function for debugging
ROSE_DLL_API SgListComprehension * buildListComprehension(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators)
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the concept of a variable name within the compiler (a shared container for the ...
This class represents a lambda expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFinishExp * buildFinishExp(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedChar * buildSignedCharType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal * buildFloatVal(float value=0.0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgShortVal * buildShortVal(short value=0)
SgPragmaDeclaration * buildPragmaDeclaration_nfi(const std::string &name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgScopeStatement * getGlobalScopeFromScopeStack()
Support to retrive the SgGlobal from the internal scope stack (error if not present in a non-empty li...
ROSE_DLL_API SgDictionaryExp * buildDictionaryExp(std::vector< SgKeyDatumPair * > pairs)
Build a list of key-datum pairs.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionClassificationMode(SourcePositionClassification X)
Set the current source position classification (defines how IR nodes built by the SageBuilder interfa...
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassExp * buildClassExp(SgClassSymbol *sym)
Build class pointer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgContinueStmt * buildContinueStmt()
Build a continue statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile * buildJavaSourceFile(SgProject *, std::string, SgClassDefinition *, std::string)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNullptrValExp * buildNullptrValExp_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgVarArgOp * buildVarArgOp_nfi(SgExpression *operand_i, SgType *expression_type)
Build vararg op expression.
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateArgumentsInDeclaration(SgDeclarationStatement *decl, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList_input)
DQ (9/16/2012): Added function to support setting the template arguments and setting their parents (a...
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateParametersInDeclaration(SgDeclarationStatement *decl, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParametersList_input)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryComparisonOp * buildNaryComparisonOp(SgExpression *lhs)
driscoll6 (7/20/11) : Support n-ary operators for python
This class represents the conversion of an arbitrary expression to a string. This node is intended fo...
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariantExpression * buildVariantExpression()
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList)
Build a structure first nondefining declaration, without file info.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcWaitStatement * buildUpcWaitStatement_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
Build a UPC wait statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialBitType * buildJovialBitType(SgExpression *size)
Build a Jovial bit type of a given size.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaImportStatement * buildJavaImportStatement(std::string, bool)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the concept of a block (not a basic block from control flow analysis)...
This class represents the concept of a C++ namespace declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgGotoStatement * buildGotoStatement(SgLabelStatement *label=NULL)
Build a goto statement.
This class represents a cast of one type to another.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedLong * buildSignedLongType()
Built in simple types.
This class represents a list display.
This class represents the notion of a statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCatchStatementSeq * buildCatchStatementSeq(SgCatchOptionStmt *=NULL)
Build an initial sequence of Catch blocks containing 0 or 1 element.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCaptureList * buildLambdaCaptureList()
For preprocessing information including source comments, include , if, define, etc.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDictionaryComprehension * buildDictionaryComprehension(SgKeyDatumPair *kd_pair, SgExprListExp *generators)
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * buildStatementFromString(const std::string &stmt_str, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Liao (9/18/2015): experimental support of building a statement from a string.
ROSE_DLL_API SgChar32Val * buildChar32Val_nfi(unsigned int value, const std::string &str)
This class represents the concept of a for loop.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement * buildNamespaceDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, bool unnamednamespace, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateSpecializationArgumentsInDeclaration(SgDeclarationStatement *decl, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateSpecializationArgumentsList_input)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgBreakStmt * buildBreakStmt_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgRvalueReferenceType * buildRvalueReferenceType(SgType *base_type)
Build a rvalue reference type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAtStmt * buildAtStmt(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body)
MH (6/11/2014): Added at support.
SgTupleExp * buildTupleExp_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedShort * buildSignedShortType()
Built in simple types.
SgGotoStatement * buildGotoStatement_nfi(SgLabelStatement *label)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgCompoundLiteralExp * buildCompoundLiteralExp(SgVariableSymbol *varSymbol)
ROSE_DLL_API SgChooseExpression * buildChooseExpression_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgIfStmt * buildIfStmt_nfi(SgStatement *conditional, SgStatement *true_body, SgStatement *false_body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
Classify as a transformation.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:143
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildDefaultConstructor(SgClassType *classType)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildDefiningTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration *first_nondefing_declaration)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaRefExp * buildLambdaRefExp(SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *params, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build lambda expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcSharedType(SgType *base_type=NULL, long layout=-1)
Build a UPC shared type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgWhileStmt * buildWhileStmt(SgStatement *condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body=NULL)
Build while statement.
This class represents a C99 complex type.
This class represents a tuple display.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranDo * buildFortranDo(SgExpression *initialization, SgExpression *bound, SgExpression *increment, SgBasicBlock *)
Build a Fortran do construct.
This class represents a type for all functions.
ROSE_DLL_API SgPointerType * buildPointerType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a pointer type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal * buildImaginaryVal(long double imaginary_value)
This class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
ROSE_DLL_API void buildDoWhileStatement_nfi(SgDoWhileStmt *result, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *condition)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the numeric negation of a value. Not to be confused with SgSubtractOp.
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested).
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement * buildAssignStatement_ast_translate(SgExpression *lhs, SgExpression *rhs)
This version does not recursively reset the file info as a transformation.
T * buildBinaryExpression(SgExpression *lhs, SgExpression *rhs)
Template function to build a binary expression of type T, taking care of parent pointers, file info, lvalue, etc. Available instances include: buildAddOp(), buildAndAssignOp(), buildAndOp(), buildArrowExp(),buildArrowStarOp(),buildAtOp, buildAssignOp(),buildBitAndOp(),buildBitOrOp(),buildBitXorOp(),buildCommaOpExp(), buildConcatenationOp(),buildDivAssignOp(),buildDivideOp(),buildDotExp(),buildEqualityOp(),buildExponentiationOp(),buildGreaterOrEqualOp(),buildGreaterThanOp(),buildIntegerDivideOp(),buildIorAssignOp(),buildLessOrEqualOp(),buildLessThanOp(),buildLshiftAssignOp(),buildLshiftOp(),buildMinusAssignOp(),buildModAssignOp(),buildModOp(),buildMultAssignOp(),buildMultiplyOp(),buildNotEqualOp(),buildOrOp(),buildPlusAssignOp(),buildPntrArrRefExp(),buildRshiftAssignOp(),buildRshiftOp(),buildReplicationOp,buildScopeOp(),buildSubtractOp()buildXorAssignOp()
Definition: sageBuilder.h:1802
ROSE_DLL_API SgNullptrValExp * buildNullptrValExp()
DQ (7/31/2014): Adding support for C++11 nullptr const value expressions.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ default case within a switch statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal * buildComplexVal_nfi(SgValueExp *real_value, SgValueExp *imaginary_value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealBaseClass * buildNonrealBaseClass(SgNonrealDecl *classDeclaration, SgClassDefinition *classDefinition, bool isVirtual, bool isDirect)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBreakStmt * buildBreakStmt()
Build a break statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile * buildSourceFile(const std::string &outputFileName, SgProject *project=NULL, bool clear_globalScopeAcrossFiles=false)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the concept of an "if" construct.
ROSE_DLL_API SgEmptyDeclaration * buildEmptyDeclaration()
Build an empty declaration (useful for adding precission to comments and CPP handling under token-bas...
SgCtorInitializerList * buildCtorInitializerList_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeDouble * buildDoubleType()
Built in simple types.
to specify a construct using a specifier Can be used alone or with parent handles when relative speci...
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaNormalAnnotation * buildJavaNormalAnnotation(SgType *)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateInstantiationTypedefDeclaration * buildTemplateInstantiationTypedefDeclaration_nfi(SgName &name, SgType *base_type, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool has_defining_base, SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration *templateTypedefDeclaration, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &templateArgumentsList)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealType * buildNonrealType(const SgName &name, SgDeclarationScope *scope)
Build a non real type used for template parameter. Internally a SgNorealDecl is also built...
ROSE_DLL_API SgWithStatement * buildWithStatement(SgExpression *expr, SgStatement *body)
Build a with statement.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * buildComment(SgLocatedNode *target, const std::string &content, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before, PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType dtype=PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUnknownDeclaration)
Build and attach a comment, comment style is inferred from the language type of the target node if no...
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal * buildLongLongIntValHex(long long value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration * buildTemplateTypedefDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgType *base_type, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, bool has_defining_base=false)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
SgTemplateClassDefinition * buildTemplateClassDefinition(SgTemplateClassDeclaration *d=NULL)
Build a template class definition statement.
SgExprListExp * buildExprListExp_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeBool * buildBoolType()
Built in simple types.
This class represents the notion of an expression or statement which has a position within the source...
This class represents template argument within the use of a template to build an instantiation.
Set pointers to Sg_File_Info objects to NULL.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:145
This class represents the variable refernece in expressions.
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAwaitExpression * buildAwaitExpression()
ROSE_DLL_API void errorCheckingTargetAST(SgNode *node_copy, SgNode *node_original, SgFile *targetFile, bool failOnWarning)
Error checking the inserted snippet AST.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsignedLongLong * buildUnsignedLongLongType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatement * buildSwitchStatement_nfi(SgStatement *item_selector, SgStatement *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildConstVolatileType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a const volatile type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningMemberFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, unsigned int functionConstVolatileFlags, bool buildTemplateInstantiation, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList)
Build a prototype member function declaration.
This class represents the definition (initialization) of a variable.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNullExpression * buildNullExpression()
Build a null expression, set file info as the default one.
SgPassStatement * buildPassStatement_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLambdaCaptureList * buildLambdaCaptureList_nfi()
This class represents the concept of a C++ call to the delete operator.
This class represents the concept of a C++ call to the new operator.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionParameterRefExp * buildFunctionParameterRefExp_nfi(int parameter_number, int parameter_level)
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateArgumentParents(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ continue statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateParameterParents(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMinusOp * buildMinusOp(SgExpression *op=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement * buildNamespaceDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
tps (09/02/2009) : Added support for building namespaces
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcNotifyStatement * buildUpcNotifyStatement_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
Build a UPC notify statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBracedInitializer * buildBracedInitializer_nfi(SgExprListExp *initializers=NULL, SgType *expression_type=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeWchar * buildWcharType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJovialBitVal * buildJovialBitVal_nfi(const std::string &str)
Build a Jovial bit value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloat80Val * buildFloat80Val(long double value=0.0)
SgDeleteExp * buildDeleteExp_nfi(SgExpression *target, bool is_array=false, bool need_global_specifier=false, SgFunctionDeclaration *deleteOperatorDeclaration=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
std::list< SgScopeStatement * > ScopeStack
intended to be a private member, don't access it directly. could be changed any time ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getTargetFileTypeSupport(SgType *snippet_type, SgScopeStatement *targetScope)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
This class represents the member function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall wi...
ROSE_DLL_API SgCaseOptionStmt * buildCaseOptionStmt(SgExpression *key=NULL, SgStatement *body=NULL)
Build a case option statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCastExp * buildCastExp(SgExpression *operand_i=NULL, SgType *expression_type=NULL, SgCastExp::cast_type_enum cast_type=SgCastExp::e_C_style_cast)
Build a type casting expression.
ROSE_DLL_API void setTemplateNameInTemplateInstantiations(SgFunctionDeclaration *func, const SgName &name)
DQ (2/11/2012): Added support to set the template name in function template instantiations (member an...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionRefExp * buildFunctionRefExp(const SgName &name, const SgType *func_type, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build SgFunctionRefExp based on a C++ function's name and function type. It will lookup symbol table ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgProcedureHeaderStatement * buildNondefiningProcedureHeaderStatement(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *param_list, SgProcedureHeaderStatement::subprogram_kind_enum, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build a nondefining SgProcedureHeaderStatement, handle function type, symbol etc transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassDeclaration * buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgClassDeclaration::class_types kind, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateSpecializationArgumentList)
DQ (11/29/2011): Adding template declaration support to the AST.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclType * buildDeclType(SgExpression *base_expression, SgType *base_type)
Build a decltype reference type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionCallExp * buildMemberFunctionCall(std::string className, SgExpression *objectExpression, std::string functionName, SgExprListExp *params, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build member function calls.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaPackageStatement * buildJavaPackageStatement(std::string)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMatlabForStatement * buildMatlabForStatement(SgExpression *loop_index, SgExpression *loop_range, SgBasicBlock *loop_body)
Build a For-loop statement for matlab.
ROSE_DLL_API SgForStatement * buildForStatement_nfi(SgStatement *initialize_stmt, SgStatement *test, SgExpression *increment, SgStatement *loop_body, SgStatement *else_body=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnknown * buildUnknownType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionForTransformation(SgNode *root)
Set current node's source position as transformation generated.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement * buildExprStatement(SgExpression *exp=NULL)
Build a SgExprStatement, set File_Info automatically.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedIntVal * buildUnsignedIntVal_nfi(unsigned int v, const std::string &str)
SgExprStatement * buildExprStatement_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterVal * buildTemplateParameterVal(int template_parameter_position=-1)
Build an template parameter value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCommonBlockObject * buildCommonBlockObject(std::string name="", SgExprListExp *exp_list=NULL)
Build a Fortran common block, possibly with a name.
ROSE_DLL_API SgForStatement * buildForStatement(SgStatement *initialize_stmt, SgStatement *test, SgExpression *increment, SgStatement *loop_body, SgStatement *else_body=NULL)
Build a for statement, assume none of the arguments is NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeLongLong * buildLongLongType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgWhenStmt * buildWhenStmt(SgExpression *expression, SgBasicBlock *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeShort * buildShortType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSignedInt * buildSignedIntType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixupCopyOfAstFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(SgStatement *insertionPoint, bool insertionPointIsScope, SgStatement *toInsert, SgStatement *original_before_copy)
Fixup any AST moved from one file two another (references to symbols, types, etc.).
This class represents the function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall with the ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgDefaultOptionStmt * buildDefaultOptionStmt(SgStatement *body=NULL)
Build a default option statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaThrowStatement * buildJavaThrowStatement(SgThrowOp *)
Build a Java Throw statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement * buildAssignStatement(SgExpression *lhs, SgExpression *rhs)
Build an assignment statement from lefthand operand and right hand operand.
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * buildOpaqueType(std::string const type_name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build an opaque type with a name, useful when a type's details are unknown during transformation...
ROSE_DLL_API SgComplexVal * buildComplexVal(SgValueExp *real_value, SgValueExp *imaginary_value)
This class represents the concept of try statement within the try-catch support for exception handlin...
SgWithStatement * buildWithStatement_nfi(SgExpression *expr, SgStatement *body)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * buildBasicBlock_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBracedInitializer * buildBracedInitializer(SgExprListExp *initializers=NULL, SgType *expression_type=NULL)
Build an braced initializer.
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement.
SgComprehension * buildComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *iter, SgExprListExp *ifs)
ROSE_DLL_API SgPragmaDeclaration * buildPragmaDeclaration(const std::string &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build pragma declaration, handle SgPragma and defining/nondefining pointers internally.
ROSE_DLL_API SgCharVal * buildCharVal_nfi(char value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassExp * buildClassExp_nfi(SgClassSymbol *sym)
SgCudaKernelCallExp * buildCudaKernelCallExp_nfi(SgExpression *kernel, SgExprListExp *parameters=NULL, SgCudaKernelExecConfig *config=NULL)
Build a CUDA kernel call expression (kernel<<>>(parameters))
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaSynchronizedStatement * buildJavaSynchronizedStatement(SgExpression *, SgBasicBlock *)
Build a Java Synchronized statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeNullptr * buildNullptrType()
Built in simple types.
Specify as source position to be filled in as part of AST construction in the front-end.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:146
This class represents a source project, with a list of SgFile objects and global information about th...
SgDoWhileStmt * buildDoWhileStmt_nfi(SgStatement *body, SgStatement *condition)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeUnsigned128bitInteger * buildUnsigned128bitIntegerType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcThreads * buildUpcThreads()
Build UPC THREADS (integer expression)
ROSE_DLL_API SgListExp * buildListExp(SgExpression *expr1=NULL, SgExpression *expr2=NULL, SgExpression *expr3=NULL, SgExpression *expr4=NULL, SgExpression *expr5=NULL, SgExpression *expr6=NULL, SgExpression *expr7=NULL, SgExpression *expr8=NULL, SgExpression *expr9=NULL, SgExpression *expr10=NULL)
Build a SgListExp.
This class represents the concept of a 'global' stmt in Python.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcBlockStarType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a UPC shared[*] type.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * buildCpreprocessorDefineDeclaration(SgLocatedNode *target, const std::string &content, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
Build and attach #define XX directives, pass "#define xxx xxx" as content.
ROSE_DLL_API SgJavaInstanceOfOp * buildJavaInstanceOfOp(SgExpression *exp=NULL, SgType *type=NULL)
This is part of Java specific operator support.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer * buildAssignInitializer_nfi(SgExpression *operand_i=NULL, SgType *expression_type=NULL)
ROSE_DLL_API SgName appendTemplateArgumentsToName(const SgName &name, const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &templateArgumentsList)
DQ (7/27/2012): changed semantics from removing the template arguments in names to adding the templat...
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * buildHeader(const std::string &header_filename, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before, bool isSystemHeader=false)
Build a dangling #include "x.h" header, insertHeader() is needed to actually insert it...
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement * buildScopeStatement(SgClassDefinition *=NULL)
Build a SgFile node and attach it to SgProject.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVarRefExp * buildVarRefExp_nfi(SgVariableSymbol *varSymbol)
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildUpcRelaxedType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a UPC relaxed type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongDoubleVal * buildLongDoubleVal_nfi(long double value, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumDeclaration * buildEnumDeclaration_nfi(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Build an enum, It is also a declaration statement in SAGE III.
ROSE_DLL_API void testTemplateArgumentParents(SgDeclarationStatement *decl)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDeleteExp * buildDeleteExp(SgExpression *variable, short is_array, short need_global_specifier, SgFunctionDeclaration *deleteOperatorDeclaration)
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * buildDefiningClassDeclaration(SgName name, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcFenceStatement * buildUpcFenceStatement_nfi()
Build a UPC fence statement.
This class represents a C99 complex type.
SgDictionaryExp * buildDictionaryExp_nfi(std::vector< SgKeyDatumPair * > pairs)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMicrosoftAttributeDeclaration * buildMicrosoftAttributeDeclaration(const SgName &name)
DQ (8/17/2014): Adding support for Microsoft MSVC specific attributes.
SgFortranContinueStmt * buildFortranContinueStmt_nfi()
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeFloat * buildFloatType()
Built in simple types.
ROSE_DLL_API SourcePositionClassification getSourcePositionClassificationMode()
Get the current source position classification (defines how IR nodes built by the SageBuilder interfa...
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ variable declaration.
Const Volatile Modifier.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFortranDo * buildFortranDo_nfi(SgExpression *initialization, SgExpression *bound, SgExpression *increment, SgBasicBlock *)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVoidVal * buildVoidVal()
DQ (2/14/2019): Adding support for C++14 void value expressions.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeTuple * buildTupleType(SgType *t1=NULL, SgType *t2=NULL, SgType *t3=NULL, SgType *t4=NULL, SgType *t5=NULL, SgType *t6=NULL, SgType *t7=NULL, SgType *t8=NULL, SgType *t9=NULL, SgType *t10=NULL)
Build a tuple of types. Useful for a function returning multiple variables of different types...
This class represents the call of a class constructor to initialize a variable. For example "Foo foo;...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope, SgExprListExp *decoratorList, bool buildTemplateInstantiation=false, SgFunctionDeclaration *first_nondefinng_declaration=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList=NULL)
Build a function declaration with a function body.
SgConditionalExp * buildConditionalExp_nfi(SgExpression *test, SgExpression *a, SgExpression *b, SgType *t)
SgExecStatement * buildExecStatement_nfi(SgExpression *executable, SgExpression *globals=NULL, SgExpression *locals=NULL)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
bool symbol_table_case_insensitive_semantics
Support for construction of case sensitive/insensitive symbol table handling in scopes.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedLongVal * buildUnsignedLongValHex(unsigned long v=0)
SgLabelStatement * buildLabelStatement_nfi(const SgName &name, SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealRefExp * buildNonrealRefExp_nfi(SgNonrealSymbol *sym)
Build a reference to the non-real declaration of a member of a non-real class.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeSigned128bitInteger * buildSigned128bitIntegerType()
Built in simple types.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ label statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedShortVal * buildUnsignedShortVal_nfi(unsigned short v, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildAliasedType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build an aliased type for Ada.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNaryBooleanOp * buildNaryBooleanOp(SgExpression *lhs)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUpcMythread * buildUpcMythread()
Build UPC MYTHREAD (integer expression)
ROSE_DLL_API SgCharVal * buildCharVal(char value=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgUsingDirectiveStatement * buildUsingDirectiveStatement(SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *ns_decl)
Build a using directive statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgDoubleVal * buildDoubleVal(double value=0.0)
Build a double value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeString * buildStringType()
DQ (8/21/2010): We want to move to the new buildStringType( SgExpression*,size_t) function over the o...
ROSE_DLL_API SgSizeOfOp * buildSizeOfOp_nfi(SgExpression *exp)
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * buildNondefiningFunctionDeclaration(const SgName &name, SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterList *parlist, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL, SgExprListExp *decoratorList=NULL, bool buildTemplateInstantiation=false, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentsList=NULL, SgStorageModifier::storage_modifier_enum sm=SgStorageModifier::e_default)
Build a prototype for a function, handle function type, symbol etc transparently. ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal * buildUnsignedCharValHex(unsigned char v=0)
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeImaginary * buildImaginaryType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build an imaginary type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgUnsignedCharVal * buildUnsignedCharVal(unsigned char v=0)
Build an unsigned char.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateParameterVal * buildTemplateParameterVal_nfi(int template_parameter_position, const std::string &str)
ROSE_DLL_API void fixupSourcePositionFileSpecification(SgNode *subtreeRoot, const std::string &newFileName)
Change the source file associated with the source position information in the AST.
ROSE_DLL_API SgModifierType * buildVolatileType(SgType *base_type=NULL)
Build a volatile type.
This class represents the concept of a C++ function call (which is an expression).
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongLongIntVal * buildLongLongIntVal(long long value=0)
Build a long long integer value expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgPassStatement * buildPassStatement()
Build a pass statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgPythonGlobalStmt * buildPythonGlobalStmt(SgInitializedNamePtrList &names)
Build a python global statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVoidVal * buildVoidVal_nfi()
ROSE_DLL_API SgYieldExpression * buildYieldExpression(SgExpression *value)
Build a yield statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgLongIntVal * buildLongIntValHex(long value=0)
SgYieldExpression * buildYieldExpression_nfi(SgExpression *value)
Build a variable declaration, handle symbol table transparently.
This class represents the concept of a declaration statement.
T * buildBinaryExpression_nfi(SgExpression *lhs, SgExpression *rhs)
Template function to build a binary expression of type T, taking care of parent pointers, but without file-info. Available instances include: buildAddOp(), buildAndAssignOp(), buildAndOp(), buildArrowExp(),buildArrowStarOp(),buildAtOp, buildAssignOp(),buildBitAndOp(),buildBitOrOp(),buildBitXorOp(),buildCommaOpExp(), buildConcatenationOp(),buildDivAssignOp(),buildDivideOp(),buildDotExp(),buildEqualityOp(),buildExponentiationOp(),buildGreaterOrEqualOp(),buildGreaterThanOp(),buildIntegerDivideOp(),buildIorAssignOp(),buildLessOrEqualOp(),buildLessThanOp(),buildLshiftAssignOp(),buildLshiftOp(),buildMinusAssignOp(),buildModAssignOp(),buildModOp(),buildMultAssignOp(),buildMultiplyOp(),buildNotEqualOp(),buildOrOp(),buildPlusAssignOp(),buildPntrArrRefExp(),buildRshiftAssignOp(),buildRshiftOp(),buildReplicationOp(),buildScopeOp(),buildSubtractOp()buildXorAssignOp()
Definition: sageBuilder.h:1823
This class represents the concept of a switch.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypeChar * buildCharType()
Built in simple types.
This class represents the concept of a C++ expression built from a class name.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTryStmt * buildTryStmt(SgStatement *body, SgCatchOptionStmt *catch0=NULL, SgCatchOptionStmt *catch1=NULL, SgCatchOptionStmt *catch2=NULL, SgCatchOptionStmt *catch3=NULL, SgCatchOptionStmt *catch4=NULL)
Build a try statement.
SgListComprehension * buildListComprehension_nfi(SgExpression *elt, SgExprListExp *generators)
ROSE_DLL_API SgAsmStmt * buildMultibyteNopStatement(int n)
DQ (4/30/2010): Added support for building nop statement using asm statement Building nop statement u...
ROSE_DLL_API SgPythonPrintStmt * buildPythonPrintStmt(SgExpression *dest=NULL, SgExprListExp *values=NULL)
Build a python print statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFloatVal * buildFloatVal_nfi(float value=0.0)